Journals contents and abstracts

University of Western Australia Law Review

Website for an academic refereed law review published by the University of Western Australia Law School since 1948 on an approximately annual basis. The Review considers a broad range of legal topics and issues from an Australian and international perspective. The site provides contents of issues and overviews of articles published from 1993 onwards to date. A cumulative index covers items published from 1982-1992. Notes to authors, a style guide and information about the editorial board, subscriptions and advertising rates are also available.

Common Market Law Review

The Common Market Law Review (ISSN: 0165-0750) is published bimonthly by Kluwer Law International, in cooperation with the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the Europa Institute, University of Leiden. The Review is recognised as one of the leading journals in its field, meeting the needs of both academics and practitioners. Besides scholarly articles, the journal contains reports and commentaries on the decisions of the European Court of Justice, and of national courts in matters of EU law.

Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law

Website for Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, an academic journal published by Yeshiva University in New York. The journal, formerly known as the New Europe Law Review, seeks to examine the legal, political, and social changes transforming international affairs. The site offers contents listings of published issues from volume 14, 2006 onwards. Full text articles from the journal are available to subscribers to HeinOnline.

Canadian Journal of Family Law

Website for the academic journal, Canadian Journal of Family Law, edited by Faculty of Law staff at the University of British Columbia. The journal is dedicated to family law and legal issues associated with domestic relations, and published twice a year. Articles focus on both Canadian federal and provincial law drawing on relevant caselaw. The site presents contents and abstracts of articles from Volume 1 no.1 (January 1978) onwards to date.

Administrative Law Review

The Administrative Law Review is published four times annually by the students of the Washington College of Law in conjunction with the American Bar Association's Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. The ALR strives to develop legal research and writing skills of students while publishing articles that serve both practitioners and academicians. Each issue contains articles by practising lawyers, judges, and academicians considering legal theory and practice from a US perspective. The ALR also contains student comments and casenotes on administrative law issues.

Michigan Journal of Race and Law

website for the Michigan Journal of Race and Law (ISSN:1095-2721) published bi-annually since 1996, and edited by students at the University of Michigan Law School. The journal serves as a forum for issues relating to race and law, particularly those issues marginalised in mainstream legal writing, and seeks the views of scholars, students, practitioners and social scientists. The site includes tables of contents and abstracts of articles from volume 1, no.1 (Winter 1996) onwards, and has an Issue No. browser to aid selection.

Elder Law Journal

Web pages of the Elder Law Journal, published twice yearly by students at the University of Illinois College of Law. The journal publishes policy decisions and guidance on the law relating to old people (for example wills, long-term nursing care and US health care). The journal is intended mainly for US attorneys, but may also be of interest to social workers, gerontologists, and medical practitioners. The website is maintained by the staff of the journal, and contains details of contents and abstracts from the first issue in 1993 to date.

Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

Web pages for the Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, published three times a year from 1992 onwards, and edited by students at the Washington College of Law. The journal publishes articles addressing social and political equality under the law, and aims to attract those interested in gender issues and feminist legal studies. The website provides tables of contents from 1992, together with the first few pages of articles from Volume 7 (1998-99) onwards. Subscriptions can be purchased from William S. Hein and Co. Full text is available through LEXIS and Westlaw.

Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review

Website for the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review (ISSN: 0017-8039), founded in 1966 and edited by students at the Harvard Law School. This biannual journal aims to bring a progressive approach to the current issues affecting civil rights and civil liberties. Articles are contributed by students, professors and practitioners and the website provides tables of contents from Volume 1 (1966) onwards and full text articles from 2002 onwards.

Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law has been published since 1991 by students at Columbia University School of Law. The biannual Journal has an interdisciplinary approach to national and international gender-related issues, relevant to people of different colour, class, sexual orientation, and culture. The aim is to advance feminist scholarship and to interest students, practitioners and academics. The website provides tables of contents and abstracts of most articles from volume 1 (1991) onwards.

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