Government bodies

South African Labour Courts

Website of the South African Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court. The South African Labour Court has the same status as a high court. Further appeals can be made to the Labour Appeal Court. Links are available to the texts of relevant statutes, regulations and also to the practice directions of both courts. Access is given to full text judgments from 1996. A separate RSS feed allows users to check on the most recent decisions and news from the court.

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the parliament (Seimas) of the Lithuanian Republic. Contains detailed information regarding the history, structure, operation and workings of the Parliament, including the various parliamentary officers and sub committees, parliamentary documents and press releases, and public and international relations information. Contains a searchable database of full text English translations of Lithuanian legislation. Also contains English translations of all relevant EU legislation. The site can be viewed in Lithuanian and English.

State patent bureau of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the State patent bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinis patentu). The Bureau is an executive body of the Republic of Lithuania, State budgetary agency, responsible for the legal protection of industrial property (inventions, designs, trademarks and service marks, semiconductor product topographies) in Lithuania. The website makes available the Bureau’s Official Gazette and annual reports, together with databases of Lithuanian trademarks, designs and patents.

Prime Minister's Office of Bangladesh

Official website of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The site provides information about the current Prime Minister including speeches, budgets and the most recent election manifesto. There is also information on the structure and activities of the Prime Minister's Office with links to the various departments within the PMO. Some documents are written in Bengali, but the majority of information is available in English.

The Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland

Provides an introduction to the Kingdom and Government of Swaziland both for national and overseas users. This includes drop-down links to pages for all the government departments with an outline of policies/services offered and background information. Another part focuses on a brief history of the King of Swaziland and his current role. There are sections for local citizens, businesses and visiting tourists. Access is given in PDF format to a 2012 budget speech, speech from the Throne and government press statement.

Seychelles Government

Portal giving access to basic information about the President, Vice President and government departments. There are also links to the texts of the Budget and State of the Nation addresses of 2011. This is part of larger government portal giving general information on a selection of topics eg. business, culture, education and tourism. The site may still be under construction as the links to government departments are not yet active.

National Environment Management Authority - (NEMA) Uganda

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was established in May 1995 and became active in December 1995. It is a semi-autonomous authority and is the principal agency charged with “the responsibility of coordinating, monitoring, regulating and supervising environmental management in the country”. Details are given of the structure and management of the organisation. A wide selection of environmental reports, project reports and “Sensitivity Atlases” covering different regions and resources are available in full text to download/view free of charge.

Archivo Histórico

The Historical Archive is part of the Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) site, an official government site in Spain which handles patents, trademarks and related issues. The Archive has been maintained and developed as a joint project with the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid since 1999. It includes searchable databases covering the history of privileges (1826-1878), patent applications (1878-1966) and trade marks (1865-1910). For each database, guidance is given regarding background, search strategy and fields available.

Latvijas valsts prezidenta

The official website of the President of Latvia, available in Latvian, English and Russian. Site contains information about the office of President and its current incumbent, including press releases and speeches, public schedule and official functions, and a clear breakdown of the president’s duties, powers and rights. Provides information on legislation returned to the Saeima for extra consideration along with the President's reasons. Also provides a useful list of official links to all other areas of government.

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