Government bodies

Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet of Solomon Islands

Official website for the Prime Minister and Cabinet of Solomon Islands, the site provides access to a variety of official information and news, including press releases, official statements, policy papers and government reports, mainly available through browsing although there is a small search facility on the site. Provides information about the operation and execution of the various different departments of the Prime Minister’s office, including the Cabinet Office, the communications unit and the policy division.

Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ)

The DGPJ is a state central body of direct administration. It gives technical support related to the production of legislation and monitors policies and strategic planning and international affairs. Sections of the site give background information on these roles. Full text access is given to the Justice Statistical database and to the Justice Laws project (Leis da Justiça). This legislation project is divided into chapters relating to different areas of law relevant to the work of the DGPJ. Each chapter has an introduction and links to the full text legislation..

Parliament of Samoa

The official website of the Parliament of Samoa. Clear explanations of legislative history and current legislative structure and operation. Contains full text of the Samoan constitution in English, and clear links to the full text of other important Samoan acts. There are also separate lists of both acts & ordinances, and regulations, which can be browsed by year, and which are available in both Samoan and English, dating back to 1908.

Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

The website of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), its departments, and overseas missions, hosted by the FSM mission to the United Nations in New York. Site contains both current and archived government press releases, information and contact details for government offices and officials at both federal and state level, and a list of all multilateral treaties which FSM have ratified.

Tribunal da Relação de Évora

Website of the Appeal court of the municipality of Évora, Portugal. The site provides background information about the court and its legal staff. Full-text judgments are made available externally on the site of the Ministry of Justice (DGSI) and a link is provided. The Information section of the site provides a small selection of full-text articles, mainly on aspects of penal/criminal law. All the materials on the site are in Portuguese.

Ministère de la Justice et des Libertés

The website of the French Ministry of Justice offers an information portal on the administration and organisation of justice in France. It includes ministerial information (news, statistics, etc.), bulletins and newsletters, and many short DVDs to inform the public of its role and work. Included are presentations on the court structure in France, the juvenile justice system and the prison system. A sitemap guides users on different functions and themes. The regional section offers users information on the administration of justice in their locality. Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle: marques, brevets, sociétés, dessins, modèles

Inpi is a French public body with responsibility for industrial and intellectual property. It helps to formulate public policy on intellectual property in France, and it registers and grants patents, trademarks, models and designs. One of its aims is to publish information on industrial property in France. The databases provided on this website include trademarks, patents, designs, models and many decisions of the French courts dealing with intellectual property. The BOPI, Bulletins Officiels de la Propriété Industrielle, are also available.

Supreme Court of Guam compiler of laws

Hosted by the Supreme Court of Guam website, the Compiler of Laws is responsible for officially publishing the Session Laws of the Guam Legislature, the Guam Code Annotated and updates thereto, the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, Supreme Court of Guam Opinions, Executive Orders and Attorney General Opinions. Whilst most documents are only browsable by year, the annotated code is now fully searchable. The site also provides useful links to the official sites of the Guam government and legislature.

Parliament of the Republic of Fiji

The Fiji Parliament Home Page provides useful information about Fiji, its history, constitution, laws, executive government, Parliament, tourist and investor information, and was developed by Fijian parliament research officers under the guidance of the Peruvian Congress. From the links on the left of the page, you can find a useful list index of the laws of Fiji with notes regarding amendments, lists of Government ministers and detailed information about the Fijian legislative process.

Assembleia da República (AR)

Website of the Portuguese Assembleia Dà Republica. Provides detailed background information about the structure of the Government and the roles of different departments. Users can access the catalogue of the Parliament Library which includes Ebsco Open Access journal titles, mainly in full text. Many of the journals included are English language titles. A Legislative Procedure database allows users to search all legal texts passed by the Republic since October 1991. The main texts of the site are also available in English and French.

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