Government bodies

Republic of Palau

Website of the government of the Pacific island of Palau, with information about the executive and judicial branches; a section for the legislative branch was under construction at the time of writing (May 2023). Some of the government department pages provide official forms and other publications. The site also has a Documents section which includes Presidential proclamations and directives, bills, executive orders and press releases.

Supreme Court of Nepal

Official website of the Supreme Court of Nepal. Includes a judgments database, cause lists and a collection of legislation including the Constitution of Nepal, court rules and the civil, civil procedure, criminal and criminal procedure codes, all in Nepali. There is also a Publications section, also in Nepali, containing the Nepal Law Reporter, Supreme Court Bulletin, Supreme Court User Charter, court rules and directives, and the Judges' Code of Conduct.

Country Policy and Information Notes

UK government web page providing information about asylum seekers' countries of origin, to be used in the asylum determination process. Reports contain information on asylum and human rights issues in the country and include chapters on the security forces, torture, the judiciary, prison conditions, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, ethnic minorities and human rights institutions. There is also background information on the country covering the economy, history, political system, Constitution and political parties.

Supreme Court of Pakistan

Official website of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, with background information about the court and the judiciary, cause lists and a judgments database. Other materials available on the site include the Supreme Court Rules, an overview of the judicial system of Pakistan, and the Supreme Court Research Centre's Quarterly Case Update.

High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia

Official website of the Croatian High Commercial Court (HCCRC), which hears appeals against decisions made by the commercial courts. Provides background information about the work of the HCCRC and gives contact details for the commercial courts. Includes a selection of legislation and codes of ethics. There is also a link to a judgments database. A partial English interface is available, but most of the site is in Croatian only.

Republic of Turkey Supreme Court

Official website of the Turkish Supreme Court. The English-language section of the site provides information on the background and history of the court, together with an outline of the legal system and court structure in Turkey. Other information on the site, including the case database, 'Karar Arama', is available in Turkish only.

Youth Court of New Zealand

Website of the New Zealand Youth Court, describing the work of the court and the nature of its proceedings. Guidance aimed at young people, families and victims is provided. There are links to summaries of decisions from 1998 to 2016 and to full (anonymised) decisions from 2016 onwards (both collections are on the New Zealand District Court website, which in turn has a link to archived summaries going back to 1988).

Immigration & Protection Tribunal

This New Zealand tribunal has replaced the Residence Review Board, the Refugee Status Appeals Authority, the Removal Review Authority and the Deportation Review Tribunal. Its web page, part of the New Zealand Ministry of Justice's website, provides the decisions of the Tribunal and its predecessors, together with guidance, legislation, practice notes, annual reports and statistics.

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