

IPKat is an intellectual property blog produced by a group of UK-based IP lawyers and patent agents. Founded in 2003, it focuses on UK and European law and covers issues such as copyright, patents, trademarks and branding. Links to other relevant web resources such as cases, legislation, news sources and company websites are also included.


Website of beSpacific, a law and technology weblog written by Sabrina I. Pacifici, a law librarian and co-founder of the legal web journal The site is intended for legal professionals, librarians and researchers and focuses on United States news, providing a digest of legal stories covering "e-government, copyright, privacy, government documents, cybercrime and ID theft, the Patriot Act, and freedom of information." Each story has one or more subject headings and clicking these provides access to other stories within the same subject area eg.

The Court

The Court is a student-edited blog providing commentary and case notes on recent cases at the Supreme Court of Canada. The blog is an initiative of the Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Canada. Students are able to post commentaries under the direction of a faculty member and anyone can post a response. Posts can be viewed by subject category, alphabetically by case name and by year. Other features of the site include an online bibliography of materials relating to the Canadian Supreme Court, statistics and links to Supreme Court and other related sites.

UK Supreme Court blog

This blog was set up in June 2009, a few months before the UK Supreme Court opened. Written by lawyers at Matrix Chambers and Olswang LLP, it provides news and commentary on the Supreme Court and its judgments, with links to original sources including articles, speeches, podcasts, cases and press articles. Links are given to judgments and upcoming hearings of the Court, and to related websites.


The Panopticon blog is maintained by barristers at 11KBW in London. It monitors developments taking place in information law. The site has a section explaining what information law covers, including areas such as "data protection, freedom of information, the protection of private information under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, breach of confidence, and the regulation of surveillance". Posts cover legal news stories including links to original sources, decisions, legislation and reports.

Painsmith Landlord and Tenant Blog

This blog, focusing on residential landlord and tenant law, is provided by PainSmith Solicitors, a UK-based practice specialising in this area of law. The site includes news and comment on the latest legal developments, legislation, guidance and case law. Posts can be searched or browsed back to October 2008, when the blog started, and tags include Housing Act 1988, Housing Act 2004, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, regulations, fees, rent and litigation. Blog posts include links to cases and legislation; the site also has links to other housing law and landlord and tenant law blogs.

LXBN: the LexBlog Network

The LXBN website brings together recent posts from a large number of legal blogs, arranged by area of law, from Administrative to Technology. The site also acts as a portal to each individual blog. Probably the majority of the blogs are US-based, but some are based elsewhere and/or have a global focus. The site is searchable or browseable, and popular posts are highlighted on the home page. LXBN was set up by Kevin O'Keefe of LexBlogs, a US company that builds and supports blogs for lawyers.

Neuroethics and Law Blog

The Neuroethics and Law Blog covers legal and ethical issues concerning the mind and the brain. It is edited by Adam J. Kolber of the University of San Diego. The blog is intended for bioethicists, legal academics, practitioners, neuroscientists, neurologists, criminologists and others. Posts highlight newly published research, news items and details of conferences and events. Links are given to journal articles, research papers and related websites. There is an archive of posts going back to July 2007.

The China Collection

Blog focusing on Chinese law edited by Donald Clarke of George Washington University Law School and other specialists in Chinese law and related affairs. It covers Chinese legal developments, conferences, publications and research resources and has an archive extending back to 2005. The site has links to a set of research guides on Chinese law.

China Law Blog

Blog hosted by international law firm Harris Bricken, which has offices in the US, Mexico, Spain and Beijing. Started in 2006, it focuses business law in China. Posts are by lawyers from Harris Bricken and elsewhere.

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