

Decisis consists of a blog and a fee-based online law reporting service covering the Irish Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court from 2011 onwards. It is the successor to the cases blog, 'Stare decisis Hibernia', created by Mark Tottenham, an Irish barrister.

Le blog droit administratif

This blog on French administrative law was started in 2005 and its topics include electoral law, the constitution, public enterprises and the death penalty. Regular authors include lawyers François Gilbert, Alexis Frank and Alexandre Ciaudo. Some of the more substantial contributions are under the heading “A retenir”. Posts can be displayed by date or topic/thread. Lists of recommended books and articles on administrative law are included. .

Constitution Unit Blog

Website of the UCL Constitution Unit's blog. The Constitution Unit is a research centre whose work focuses on constitutional change. There are posts covering various aspects of constitutional law including parliament, elections and referendums, parties and politicians, judiciary and human rights and monarchy, church and state. Constitution Unit reports, details of current research, and other information about the Unit can be accessed from this page.


The ECHR blog is written by Antoine Buyse who is associate professor and senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Utrecht University. As well as posts providing news and updates on the European Convention on Human Rights the blog provides links to human rights journals, research and other human rights blogs.

UK Human Rights Blog

The UK Human Rights Blog is produced by 1 Crown Office Row, a barristers' chambers specialising in civil law. It aims to provide a free legal news service covering human rights issues. There is a link to European Convention on Human Rights along with a description and analysis of each article. Posts can be searched or browsed by subject, including, immigration, children, terrorism, public order and human rights cases.

Karel's Legal Blog

Karel's Legal Blog focuses on legal developments in the Dutch Caribbean (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba). The blog was launched in July 2005 by Dutch lawyer Karel Frielink. The main emphasis is on banking, financial and company law. Some posts are in Dutch and some are in English.

Legal Ethics Forum

The Legal Ethics Forum is a blog produced by professors from the University of Texas Law School, Cornell Law School and UC Berkeley School of Law. The site includes discussion and news stories raising legal ethics issues with posts starting from February 2005. Links are provided to other articles and related materials. The site also provides links to other sites dealing with legal ethics including American Bar Association resources, professional organisations, ethics practice sites, academic centres, legal ethics journals and sites dealing with judicial ethics.

Opinio Juris

Opinio Juris is a blog devoted to international law and international relations. Its posts seek 'to describe and analyse international law where it is most controversial and ambiguous.' It was established in 2005 by Chris Borgen of St. John's University Law School, Peggy McGuinness of the University of Missouri Law School and Julian Ku of Hofstra Law School; since 2018 it has been run in partnership with the International Commission of Jurists. The blog can be browsed by region or by topic. 

Binary Law

Binary Law is the blog of Nick Holmes, a legal publishing consultant. It started in February 2004 and focuses on legal information and digital publishing issues; subjects covered include intellectual property, information management, internet law, blogging and social media. There are links to other law blogs, to the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers and to Infolaw, a UK legal web gateway.

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