
Bill of Health

Bill of Health is the blog of the Petrie-Flom Center at Harvard Law School and a forum for health law policy and bioethical issues. The blog highlights new research, legal developments and news in the areas of health law policy, biotechnology and bioethics. Posts are searchable by keyword and are available back to 2012 when the blog was started. A selection of digital symposia present articles on related topics including adoption, microdosing psychedelic drugs, Covid 19 and tort liability and health, disability and work post Covid.

Baker McKenzie: Global Arbitration Rules

International arbitration blog compiled by law firm Baker McKenzie and made freely available online. The blog has global arbitration news stories that can be browsed by region or topic. Other features include a calendar of upcoming arbitration events and a comparative chart of international arbitration rules. This enables cross checking of individual clauses across a range of arbitration rules. Copies of the Baker McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook can be viewed on the blog providing legislative and case law updates from each jurisdiction.

Administrative Law in the Common Law World

Administrative Law in the Common Law World (Admin Law Blog) is a group blog edited by legal academics Farrah Ahmed, Kate Glover Berger, Swati Jhaveri, Joe Tomlinson and Julian R Murphy. Posts date from March 2017 and can be browsed or searched by keyword. Recent posts have looked at challenges to the royal prerogative, constitutional avoidance and judicial review. There are also regular book reviews.

Law blog by Dr Eoin O’Dell, Fellow and Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin law school. Covers topics including contract, restitution, freedom of expression, media, intellectual property and IT/internet law. Discusses newsworthy Irish law matters, but is otherwise not confined to writing about the law of O’Dell’s home jurisdiction.

Herbert Smith Freehills: Employment Notes

This section of the Herbert Smith Freehills website provides free access to an employment law blog highlighting developments in international employment legislation, regulation and litigation. Posts can be filtered by jurisdiction or category including whistleblowing, termination of employment, industrial relations, workplace related claims, health and safety and workplace culture, discrimination and diversity. The site can also be searched by keyword and results limited by content type eg. videos, podcasts or webinars.

UK Copyright Literacy

Copyright blog run by Chris Morrison, Copyright, Licensing and Policy Manager at the University of Kent, and Jane Secker, Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London. The blog is intended for non-lawyers with an interest in copyright literacy and copyright education. As well as blog posts, the site provides details of research into copyright literacy and information relating to Secker and Morrison’s book, ‘Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners’ (2nd edn, Facet Publishing, 2016), including an open-access chapter, ‘Copyright education and training’.


The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) is a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the development and understanding of constitutional systems worldwide. This page links directly to the IACL blog which aims to be a meeting place for constitutionalists to present their research, share views and discuss constitutional law topics. Posts can be browsed by date back to 2014 and viewed by topic including gender and constitutions, centenary of the constitution in Liechtenstein and Irish unification. Author interviews, book reviews and a series of podcasts are also given.

DipLawMatic Dialogues

DipLawMatic Dialogues is the official blog of the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Special Interest Section (FCIL-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries. The blog is intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas for FCIL-SIS members, other law librarians, and anyone with an interest in foreign, comparative and international law or law librarianship. The blog has a simple search function and it is possible to browse by category. The available archives go back to December 2013.

Verfassungsblog - on matters constitutional

Verfassungsblog - on matters constitutional was founded in 2009 by legal journalist and writer Maximilian Steinbeis. Blog posts provide topical comment and analysis on issues of constitutional law and policy in Germany, Europe and beyond. The majority of posts are written in English or German; a regular editorial is provided in both languages. Posts are written by a wide range of academic contributors and are aimed at the general public.  A basic search function is available.

Social Welfare Updates

Blog posts and news items on areas of law covered by barristers at Garden Court Chambers. Updates are given on housing, mental health, capacity, adult social care, children, education, Court of Protection, migration and welfare benefits. Most of the updates relate to recent cases providing a digest and commentary on the issues.

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