legal links

Jamaican legal system and guide to legal research

Online guide to Jamaican law and legal system written by Jeanne Slowe and Claudette Solomon who are law librarians at the Mona Faculty of Law Library at the University of the West Indies. The guide was published in 2012 (and updated in 2014) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors provide information on the Jamaican legal system, administration of justice, the court structure and legal education.

Law and Legal Systems in Madagascar: A Political Siege

Online guide to the legal system of Madagascar, the independent African state in the Indian ocean, compiled by political analyst Kevashinee Pillay and admitted attorney Aviva Zimbris. The guide was published in 2013 (and updated by Alan Behaja in 2024) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors give the historical background and an outline of the political systems and governance, including a consideration of issues relating to the implementation of the Malagasy constitution.

Researching the Legal System of Kingdom of Nepal

Online guide to the legal system of the Kingdom of Nepal by Md. Ershadul Karim and Sirjana Sharma Pokhrel. The guide was published in 2012 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. There is background and historical information on Nepal and the development of its legal system. The authors provide an outline of the law making process with descriptive links to online sources including relevant websites of government ministries and departments.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights was founded by Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in 1995. It aims to promote the causes of human rights, the rule of law, democratic institutions and Palestinian independence. The Centre’s website can be read in English or in Arabic and features press releases, reports, position papers, and statistics. This material focuses on human rights violations and the weakening of democratic institutions by Israeli Occupation Forces and also by Hamas and Fatah.

Palestinian Basic Law

This unaffiliated website was created by Norwegian journalists Erik Bolstad and Tonje Merete Viken in February 2008. The site provides English translations of past and present versions of the Basic Law and drafts that were not passed. It also links to English translations of the Elections law and Presidential decrees as well as expert opinions on issues surrounding Palestinian elections.

Guide to Panama’s Legal System and Research

Guide to the legal system of Panama, by Panamanian lawyers Alvaro Aguilar-Alfu and Kedar Rudy. The research guide was published in 2011 on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. It covers the development of the legal system, Panamanian legal concepts and the court system and government of Panama. Links are provided to legal and governmental websites for the jurisdiction.

British Medical Association

The British Medical Association (BMA) is the doctors’ professional organisation, representing doctors across all branches of medicine in the UK. The ‘Equality and Diversity’ section introduces the Equality Act 2010 and contains a short guide to the changes introduced by the Act. The ‘Medical Ethics’ section provides a range of guidance for doctors including ‘toolkits’, available in PDF, offering ethical guidance to doctors in areas such as child protection and the Mental Capacity Act. This section also contains a range of BMA publications, also in PDF format.

Parliament of Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia website, containing a list of the members of parliament, and recent news. From the homepage access is given to the constitution and regulations of the parliament in pdf format, in English; however, the legislation pages are in html format and only available in Georgian. The International Acts section has links to international conventions, agreements and treaties of which Georgia is a party, as Word documents. There is also a section of useful links to sites of the ministries and courts. Most of the page is available in both English and Georgian.


Portal providing open access to primary and secondary legal materials for Ethiopia, including laws, court decisions, articles, contact guidance and news. The service gives free access to selected codes and laws, some in English, some in Amharic. It also provides decisions of the Supreme Court of Cassation, in Amharic only, and the Constitution (and related instruments) in English and Amharic.

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