
War in Ukraine: Tracking the Conflict’s Reverberations Across the Legal Industry

This page on the Law.com International website provides legal news relating to the conflict in Ukraine. The site is monitoring the impact Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions have had on the legal industry providing news, expert analysis, features and opinion pieces. Content covers the response of law firms to the crisis, the issues faced by firms who have been working in Russia and the pro bono and humanitarian efforts being undertaken by the industry. Law.com International is a legal news site aimed at international lawyers.

International Humanitarian Law

Online guide to international humanitarian legal resources written by Thamil Venthan Ananthavimayagan who is a lecturer in international law, international humanitarian law and international criminal law at Griffith College, Dublin. The guide was published in 2018 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

The Tallinn Manual

The ‘Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare’ is the outcome of three years’ work by an independent group of international law experts - scholars and practitioners - on the application of existing norms of international law to cyber warfare. It is made up of rules of customary international law developed and adopted by the group of experts, annotated with commentary. It is available free of charge on the website of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE); it was also published by Cambridge University Press, in 2013.

International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

This website provides access to national and other archival institutions with records relating to Nazi-Era cultural property The research portal has been compiled and made freely available online by the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Participating institutions include Bundesarchiv (The Federal Archives of Germany), UK National Archives, State Archives in Belgium, Commission for Looted Art in Europe (CLAE), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and France Diplomatie: Diplomatic Archive Center of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

The Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect was established in 2008 by the International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam International, Refugees International and WFM-Institute for Global Policy. The work of the Centre is focused on the new international norm, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which refers to protection of populations against genocide and other large-scale atrocities. The work of the Centre includes advocacy, research designed to further understanding of R2P and helping states to build capacity.

Rules of warfare, arms control

The Rules of warfare, arms control page forms part of the Multilaterals Project at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. The project provides the text of international treaties and conventions covering various subjects. This section has the Hague Conventions, the Geneva Conventions and other texts dealing with the laws of war.

Customary Law Database

The Customary Law Database is an online version of 'Customary International Humanitarian Law', a study by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which was published by Cambridge University Press in 2005. Available on the ICRC website, the database has two parts: Rules and Practice. The Rules section analyses the 161 customary rules of international humanitarian law identified by the study, while the Practice section covers the underlying practice.

Netherlands Institute of International Relations

The Netherlands Institute of International Relations, sometimes known as Clingendael, is an independent research body which specialises in work relating to conflict, international organisations, the European Union, NATO and the United Nations. Its website provides access to information on its purpose and current research. It includes research reports on all aspects of international conflict and security worldwide and access to the Institute's library catalogue. All information is available in English.

Genocide Watch

Web pages of Genocide Watch, a non-governmental organisation based in Canada. Genocide Watch seeks to confront and counteract acts of gender-selective mass killing, such as female infanticide, by raising public awareness, doing research and producing educational resources. Several case studies are available on the site, giving background information, some maps, photographs and accounts of cases of gendercide in Kossovo, Srebrenica, Rwanda, Montreal, maternal mortality and female infanticide, among others.

International Society for Military Law and the Law of War

The International Society for Military Law and the Law of War is an international non-profit association based at the Palais du Justice in Brussels. The Society was established in 1988 and draws its membership from university professors and civilian as well as military magistrates, public servants of high rank and lawyers or general or field officers located worldwide. The Society studies military law, the law of armed conflict and international humanitarian law. The website outlines the work of the Society and lists its publications, congresses and seminars.

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