
Children and Armed Conflict Unit

The Children and Armed Conflict Unit is a joint project of the Children's Legal Centre and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. Its aim is to provide information on the impact of war on children and to analyse existing human rights law in order to provide a better protection of childrens' rights. Its website provides information on the scope of the project, recent news stories relating to on-going conflicts worldwide, and details of the Unit's recent field visits to specific war zones.

UNHCR: the UN Refugee Agency

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was created by the UN General Assembly in 1951. The site offers background information about the work of the UNHCR which includes advocacy, capacity building, fund raising and global needs assessment. There is a section dealing with the groups of people the UNHCR works with including children, women, elderly, disabled and asylem seekers and information on the areas of the world where the UNHRC operates. There are legal documents, statistics and global reports.

Transitional Justice Institute

Website of the Transitional Justice Institute, a research centre based at the University of Ulster. Transitional justice is defined on the site as being the "interim legal arrangements which come to the fore as states enter into transition from violent conflict to peace and democracy". Profiles are given of staff at the Institute along with details of their publications and links to full-text articles where available. Details are given of forthcoming events and research projects taking place at the Institute. A Peace Agreements Database is made freely available to browse or search.

United States Military Commissions: A Quick Guide to Available Resources

Online resource guide to United States military commissions (a form of military tribunal) compiled by Stephen Young who is a reference librarian at the Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library at the Catholic University of America. The guide provides links and references to primary and secondary materials relating to US military commissions and includes an introduction explaining what military commissions and tribunals are. There is a selection of relevant journal articles and an annotated list of links to Internet sites and finding tools.

Peace Agreements Digital Collection

The Peace Agreements Digital Collection aims to provide free access to all peace treaties signed since 1989, in both inter- and intra-state conflicts. The collection is maintained by the Jeannette Rankin Program as part of the Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management. It is possible to browse the collection by continent and nation, or to search by key word.

Iraq : Research Guide to Legal Documents, Legal News and International Law

Collection of links to online news stories, and other material, relating to legal issues in Iraq. Resources have been compiled by Vincent Moyer at the University of California, Hastings Law Library. Links to Iraq news stories come from sources around the world along with selected online articles discussing international legal issues in Iraq. There are links to information on inspections and sanctions, human rights issues, the treatment of prisoners and resources dealing with the law of war. Links to various document collections and related research websites are also provided.

Legal Protection of Cultural Property: A Selective Resource Guide

This online resource guide to the legal protection of cultural property has been written by Louise Tsang who is a research librarian at law firm Greenberg Traurig in the United States. The guide was published in the features section of LLRX.com in April 2007 and updates a previous version from April 2004. The guide provides references to sources of printed and electronic information and to organisations concerned with the protection of cultural property and art theft. There are links to sites providing background information and to other resource guides.

Geneva Conventions and Commentaries

Section of the International Committee of the Red Cross website devoted to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their protocols. The four Conventions are: Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field; Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea; Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; and Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

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