united states

Criminal Justice Profiles

Criminal Justice Profiles is a site providing information on careers in criminal justice and law enforcement in the United States. The site is intended for criminal justice professionals, job seekers and students. Profiles contain information on what the job involves, qualifications required and salaries. Careers profiled include police officer, prison warder, probation officer, CIA agent and court reporter along with less obvious careers including coast guard, fish and game warden and forensic accounting.

Supreme Court Database

The Supreme Court Database provides data and analysis on Supreme Court cases from 1953 to 2008. The Database was created by Harold Spaeth who is Research Professor of Law at Michigan State University College of Law and Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Michigan State and is hosted by the Center for Empirical Research in the Law School at Washington University in St. Louis. The original aim of the Database, which was created in the late 1980ãs, was to "include and classify every single vote by a Supreme Court justice in all argued cases over a five-decade period".

Energy and Mineral Law Foundation

Website of the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) an educational organisation which promotes the study of law relating to energy and natural resources. EMLF membership is drawn from law firms, law schools, mineral companies and trade and professional associations supporting the mineral industry. The site provides a directory of members and details of educational events. The publications page has brief details of Annual Institutes of the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation and full-text documents can be purchased online. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard: Harvard Law School

This website provides access to the research outputs of faculty and students at Harvard Law School. It forms part of Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) an open access repository. DASH contains scholarly articles and student papers which can be searched by author, title, keyword, sponsor and series or browsed by date, author, title and subject. Recent submissions can be accessed from the home page. Records provide bibliographic details with abstracts and a link to the full text (PDF).

Pretexting, legal ethics and social networking sites

Online guide to the ethical implications of using social networking sites to gather evidence written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published on LLRX.com in October 2009. The emphasis of this article is on United States law and includes links and references to legal materials which give "background on the current legal thinking about covert investigations and include recent publications addressing online pretexting and the privacy limits of social media".

Judicial Performance Evaluation

The Judicial Performance Evaluation Initiative is a project of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) a national research body based at the University of Denver. The purpose of judicial performance evaluation (JPE) is to help "increase public confidence and assist judges in identifying areas of professional development". This site gives an overview of all state JPE programmes using a clickable map and there are links to states with official JPE programs.

Judicial Family Institute

Website of the Judicial Family Institute (JFI) a United States based organisation providing information of interest to judges and their families. The site has a selection of freely available resources and links including articles covering issues relating to the children of judges, the ethical issues surrounding judicial families, health and quality of life issues affecting judges and advice on security. There are links to resources and training programmes available in each state and to state court websites, administrative offices and state ethics codes.

Advertising Law and Ethics

Website providing information and links to resources dealing with advertising law and ethics in the United States. The site is made freely available by the College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. The site is arranged by topic covering a range of issues relevant to advertising law. These include children, deception, tobacco and alcohol advertising, self regulation, telemarketing, privacy and unfairness. Each section contains background information and external links to organisations and full text legislation.

State legislation on comprehensive health care coverage

Online guide to selected legislation in the US states of Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont which attempts to provide comprehensive health care coverage for all residents. The guide is made freely available by the Law Library of Congress as one of their series of Current Legal Topics. The introduction gives an outline of the healthcare system in the United States and of the approaches taken by Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont.

Information Law Institute (ILI)

Website of the New York Law School's Information Law Institute which focuses on law, technology and civil liberties. The site has details of courses, events and people involved with the Institute. There are also details of research projects being undertaken at the Institute such as the IProgress Project the aim of which is to improve "intellectual property law and policy through research initiatives focused on law and regulatory reform, software innovation, and legal education". Full text papers of the Institute can be downloaded in PDF.

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