united states

Courthouse News Service

Website of a US online legal news service which provides "daily comprehensive reports on new appellate rulings, new legislation and new civil cases from the federal and state courts with the most prolific and weighty litigation." The service is subscription based but certain parts of the site are made freely available. Summaries of all federal appellate opinions are available with links to the full-text, summaries of new federal legislation and legal news stories produced on a daily and weekly basis.

American Bankruptcy Institute

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) was established to provide analysis of bankruptcy issues for the US Congress and the public. Membership is drawn from lawyers, bankers, judges, accountants, auctioneers and other bankruptcy specialists; parts of the site are restricted to members. The ABI's activities include the provision of education and research programmes, organising conferences and producing publications. The website gives access to a selection of bankruptcy news stories, US bankruptcy legislation and links to US bankruptcy courts.

Public Justice

Website of the Washington DC based Public Justice (formerly Trial Lawyers for Public Justice) a non-profit law firm founded in 1982 and supported by the TLPJ Foundation. The Public Justice site states that it "fights for justice through precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigation". The firm has a membership of over 2,700 U.S lawyers which include specialists in consumer and civil rights, personal injury, employment and environmental protection.

Global Jurist

Global Jurist is a continuously updated annual journal published by The Berkeley Electronic Press. It is a forum for scholarly cyber-debate on issues of comparative law, law and economics, international law, law and development, and legal anthropology. Its editors and authors come from around the world, enabling it to offer multi-national perspectives on global law issues. The website offers instructions for contributors, subscription information, contents and abstracts.


A freely available online resource guide created by Daniel Tysver of the Minnesota-based law firm Beck & Tysver, which provides information on intellectual property and technology law. The site is divided into subject areas such as patent law, software patents, trademark law, copyright law and internet law. Each section has an executive summary followed by links to more in-depth coverage of the topic and specific pieces of legislation.

Center for Democracy and Technology

Website of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC in the United States whose stated aim is "to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age". The CDT is concerned with issues such as free expression, privacy, digital copyright, cryptography and data mining. There are policy briefs and news items relating to the CDT's work along with full text reports and articles and links to relevant legislation. There is background information about the CDT's Board of Directors and Advisory Committee.

JURIST legal news and research

JURIST is a legal news site edited by Professor Bernard Hibbetts and hosted at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in the United States. The site is produced by staff and students at the law school and is aimed at the legal community with emphasis given to highlighting the latest legal developments, judicial decisions and primary source materials. There are sections focusing on United States, world news and an archive of news stories going back to 2003.

National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade

Website of the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade (NLCIFT) a non-profit research organisation affiliated to the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona. The aim of NLCIFT is "to develop the legal infrastructure necessary to facilitate the movement of goods, services and investment capital in the Western Hemisphere." The NLCIFT carries out research into the commercial laws and practices of countries in the Western Hemisphere with the aim of harmonising and standardising the legal infrastructure and eliminating the barriers to free trade.

Environmental Defense Fund

The Environmental Defense Fund is a non-profit organisation which "since 1967, has linked science, economics and law to create innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to society's most urgent environmental problems." The website provides general information about the organisation and its areas of work. Information on the site includes blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds, as well as fact sheets and a news and publications archive.

Commission for Environmental Co-operation

The Commission for Environmental Co-operation (CEC) is an international organisation created by Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American Agreement on Environmental Co-operation (NAAEC), in order to address regional environmental concerns. The website provides general information about the Commission and its projects. The Publications and Information section includes detailed summaries of the environmental laws of Canada, Mexico and the US.

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