united states

Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University

The Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) is part of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and affiliated with the Law Center at Georgetown University. The ISIM is engaged in research and teaching covering all areas of international migration, U.S. immigration and refugee law and policy. The site has details of academic programmes and training courses and outlines of current research projects. A list of ISIM publications can be viewed by author or topic and a selection of articles and working papers are made freely available in full-text.

International Trade in Agricultural Products: A Research Guide

Online research guide to international trade in agricultural products written by Lee Peoples who is Head of Reference Services at Oklahoma City University Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of LLRX.com in April 2004 and provides an introduction to key sources for researching international agricultural trade law. The guide has background information to international organisations and agreements and to relevant agencies of the United Nations.

Legal Protection of Cultural Property: A Selective Resource Guide

This online resource guide to the legal protection of cultural property has been written by Louise Tsang who is a research librarian at law firm Greenberg Traurig in the United States. The guide was published in the features section of LLRX.com in April 2007 and updates a previous version from April 2004. The guide provides references to sources of printed and electronic information and to organisations concerned with the protection of cultural property and art theft. There are links to sites providing background information and to other resource guides.

Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties

Online version of a seven volume collection of laws and treaties relating to Native American Indian tribes compiled by Charles J. Kappler and made freely available by the Oklahoma State University Library. The site includes U.S. Government treaties with Native Americans from 1778 to 1883 and U.S. laws and executive orders relating to Native Americans from 1871 to 1970. Each volume can be browsed using the table of contents or index. The full-text can be viewed in HTML and JPEG images are provided of the original pages.

Brown v. Board of Education Digital Archive

A digital archive containing documents and images relating to Brown v. Board of Education a landmark case which ended legal segregation in American schools in the 1950's. The archive is hosted by the University of Michigan Library in the United States. The site has summaries of, and links to the full-text of Supreme Court cases relating to segregation issues in U.S. schools along with a selection of reports relating specifically to desegregation in Ann Arbor.

Intellectual Property and Technology Forum

Website of the Intellectual Property and Technology Forum (IPTF) a freely available legal publication produced by students at Boston College Law School. The Forum covers technology law and intellectual property issues including in-depth articles with related links and a commentary section providing opinion pieces, conference proceedings and speeches. The headlines section has shorter articles on focusing on current issues. All pieces are provided in full-text in HTML format. There are details of editors and staff and a link to the IPTF blog.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Website of Asian Americans Advancing Justice a non-profit organisation whose stated aim is to "advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans through advocacy, public policy, public education, and litigation". The site gives details of projects they are concerned with including affirmative action, anti-Asian violence, immigration, voting rights and welfare reform. Resources on hate crime include FAQs, a checklist for victims and related web links. Profiles are given of the Board of Directors and the National Advisory Council.

Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature

Online bibliography compiled by Paul Axel-Lute of the Rutgers Law Library at the Rutgers School of Law-Newark in the United States. The bibliography was first published in September 2002 and was last updated in June 2010. The emphasis is on US law and the bibliography provides references and links to materials supporting both sides of the argument. There is a brief introduction giving background and historical information to the movement for same-sex marriage and the first part of the bibliography includes web based resources and books.


Manupatra is a subscription database providing Indian legal and business information. The database includes full-text judgments available back to 1950 from 22 Courts including the Supreme Court and High Courts of India. There are orders of Tribunals and selected judgements from the English courts and the US Supreme Court. The site also has Indian laws, notifications, circulars and forms. A selection of modules provide legislation, case law, reports, articles and forms on subjects such as intellectual property, taxation, arbitration, corporate laws, human rights and the environment.

American Law Institute

Website of the American Law Institute (ALI) a non-profit legal organisation established in 1923 with the aim of clarifying and improving the law. The work of the ALI includes Restatements of the Law, developing the Uniform Commercial Code, law reform and continuing legal education. The website has details of the officers and council members of the ALI along with press releases and annual reports. The Institute's activities and news are included in the ALI Reporter which can be viewed in full-text on the site.

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