united states

A guide to fee-based US legal research databases

Online guide to subscription databases focusing on legal research in the United States, written by Mary Rumsey, Foreign, Comparative & International Law Librarian at the University of Minnesota. The guide was last updated in 2010. It is on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The guide presents an introduction to the main vendors of United States legal information including LexisNexis, Westlaw, Loislaw and Versuslaw.

Institute for Energy Law

Website of the Institute for Energy Law (IEL) a division of the Center for American and International Law. The IEL is aimed at lawyers and professionals in all areas of domestic and international energy law and is "committed to continuing education for professionals in the energy industry". The site includes information about how to join, a list of current members, and details of its Advisory Board and its activities.

Energy Law Journal

The Energy Law Journal is a legal journal published by the Energy Bar Association (EBA), an international not-for profit association of energy law practitioners and professionals. The journal aims to provide a forum for debate and research into all aspects of energy law and the energy industries. Contributors to the journal include practitioners, academics and federal judges. The journal is published twice a year and can be viewed online back to 1980. There are articles, committee reports, book reviews and case commentaries.

Tribal Law Gateway

The Tribal Law gateway is an online catalogue hosted by the National Indian Law Library which is part of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) an organisation providing legal representation to Indian tribes in the United States. The gateway provides access to codes and constitutions of United States tribes which can be browsed alphabetically online by tribe. Records include a bibliographic reference and, where available, a link to the full-text document and the tribe's Website.

Oklahoma Bar Association

Website of the Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA) a non-profit, membership organisation whose role is to promote understanding of the law to the public and to regulate the legal profession in the US state of Oklahoma. The site has details of officers and governors of the OBA and information about the association's outreach programmes, sections and committees. Information brochures on a range of legal topics can be freely downloaded from the site. These include buying a home, divorce, making a will, lawyers and legal fees, criminal law and a detailed senior citizens' handbook.

State Bar of Arizona

Website of the State Bar of Arizona (Azbar) a membership organisation representing and regulating the legal profession practising in Arizona in the United States. As well as information about the organisation itself the site provides advice and information for lawyers and the public. There is a directory of Arizona lawyers, links to Arizona legal information and consumer brochures, aimed at the public, dealing with common legal problems. There is also advice on working with lawyers and details of lawyers who have been disciplined by the State Bar.

Recording Industry Association of America

The website of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) provides information about the organisation and its role in representing the US recording industry. One of its key goals is to help protect its members' legal rights in areas such as copyright enforcement and webcasting. Information on the site covers topical matters such as anti-piracy, copyright issues, music copyright notices and music and the internet. There is information about federal, state and international laws governing these areas.

Alliance for Justice

Website of Alliance for Justice (AFJ) an umbrella group for United States organisations working to "advance the cause of justice for all Americans, strengthen the public interest community's ability to influence public policy, and foster the next generation of advocates." The AFJ raises public awareness on policy issues by publishing policy alerts, reports and fact sheets provided on the site along with detailed profiles of judges nominated to the federal bench.

NYU School of Law: Jean Monnet Center

The Jean Monnet Center at New York University School of Law is supported by the European Commission under the Jean Monnet project. The Center is concerned with European integration and its website provides details of the Center's activities, courses and staff, plus useful information for researchers. Jean Monnet Working Papers are available in full text from 1995 onwards; recent working papers have covered cultural diversity, judicial protection of individuals and EU constitutionalism after the failure of the Constitutional Treaty.

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