united states

Center for Law and Education

Website of the United States Center for Law and Education (CLE) an advocacy and support organisation whose aim is to improve educational outcomes, particularly for low-income students. The site gives background and historical information about the CLE and provides details of the Center's projects. These focus on the educational rights of disabled students, Community Action for Public Schools working to improve the quality of public education and a project aiming to improve the Title 1 program.

Juvenile death penalty today: death sentences and executions for juvenile crimes January 1, 1973- February 28, 2005

Electronic version of a report on the juvenile death penalty in the United States written by Victor L. Streib who is Professor of Law at the Claude W. Pettit College of Law at the Ohio Northern University. The report is made freely available in full-text (PDF) on the Ohio Northern University Website. The report provides statistics, background, legal context and historical information. It looks at death sentences imposed throughout the 1973- 2003 period focusing on juvenile executions in the states of Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia.

Researching laws and information on nutritional and dietary supplements on the web

Online guide to the law regulating nutritional and dietary supplements in the United States written by Joel Rothman who is an attorney with the Florida law firm Rutherford Mulhall, P.A. The guide was published on the features page of LLRX.com in January 2006 and provides information on the law and links to legislation, agencies and documentation relating to nutritional and dietary supplements. There is a section on the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) and guidance on how "new dietary ingredients" (NDI) and banned substances are dealt with.

Human Rights First

Human Rights First is an advocacy organization based in New York City and Washington, DC. Areas of concern include: international justice and the ICC, international humanitarian law, international refugee policy, campaigns against torture and support of refugees and asylum-seekers in the US. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation and its activities. It includes news alerts, press releases and papers.

Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left

Unbound is a freely available online journal published by students and professors at Harvard Law School. The journal is provided in full-text and is described as being a place for "left legal intellectual discussion". There are feature articles and book reviews with subjects such as the role of social justice in US legal education and the concepts of 'right' and 'left' in international law covered in the first issue. Articles can be viewed in PDF and the site also carries details of the editorial board and submission guidelines.

Wrongful conviction and innocence resources on the internet

Online guide to key websites and resources dealing with wrongful conviction in the United States written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide gives details of current awareness sites which collect news stories relating to people who have been released from prison following the discovery of new evidence, a list of innocence projects and pro bono attorneys. There is a list of links to commissions set up to investigate miscarriages of justice and websites featuring collections of case profiles.

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: US Department of State

These reports are compiled annually by the United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. They provide assessments of the current state of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This covers: individual, civil, political, and worker rights. Topics covered include: summary of human rights legislation, assessments of democracy and womens rights. Reports are available from 1999 onwards.

Guam Bar Association

Website of the Guam Bar Association- the organisation with responsibility for regulating the practice of law in Guam. The site gives details of officers and committees of the Bar and there is a searchable directory of members and lawyer referral service. Rules and by-laws of the Guam Bar can be viewed in full on the site along with links to other Guam legal websites.

American Society of Writers on Legal Subjects

Website of Scribes (the American Society of Writers on Legal Subjects) which describes itself as a "national society of judges, lawyers, law professors, legal publishers, legal writers, and legal editors who are dedicated to improving legal writing across the profession". The site gives information on the history and activities of Scribes, contact details for officers of the Society, committees and an online copy of the constitution.

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