
Scottish Council of Law Reporting

Website of the Scottish Council of Law Reporting, a non-profit company made up of Scottish judges, advocates and solicitors, whose purpose is to manage the publication of its Session Cases law report series and other materials. The site gives subscription information for the Sessions Cases which can be accessed online and in hard copy. There is a comprehensive collection of legal links focussing on the law in Scotland and organised by subject.

Victims of Crime in Scotland

The Victims of Crime in Scotland website aims to provide information and advice for victims of crime. The site gives guidance on different aspects of the Scottish Criminal Justice System covering the different stages of the legal process such as reporting a crime, arrest, prosecution, attending court, sentencing and compensation. The site provides details of where victims can go for support,and links to related websites covering the police, solicitors, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and victim support groups.

Govan Law Centre

Website of the Govan Law Centre (GLC) which provides free and low cost legal services for disadvantaged people in Scotland. The site has information about the GLC and its work (including a copy of their annual report) along with contact details for other law centres in Scotland. There is a selection of guides to common legal problems including consumer law, bankruptcy, debt, housing law and neighbour nuisance and a range of money advice resources covering mortgage repossession, benefits and small claims.

Faculty of Advocates

The Faculty of Advocates is the professional association for Scottish advocates (the equivalent of English barristers). Its website has information about the work of an advocate and details of the training courses and services offered by the Faculty. There is access to the Advocates Library online catalogue and a list of links to other Scottish legal sites. Profiles of practising members are also available on the site.

Boundaries Scotland

The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland (LGBCS) is an Advisory Non-departmental Public Body funded by the Scottish Government. Its job involves carrying out statutory reviews of electoral and administrative arrangements, monitoring electoral arrangements and responding to requests for ad hoc reviews of electoral or administrative arrangements. The site contains maps of all local government electoral wards in Scotland, relevant legislation, reports of reviews carried out, annual reports and minutes of meetings.

Absolvitor : Scots Law Online

Absolvitor is a free Scottish law portal produced by Iain Nisbet, a partner at Govan Law Centre. The home page comprises a blog on up to date legal issues, including archive of previous posts, and links to key Scottish government and legal sites. An Articles page gives full text access to articles on a variety of legal topics specially written for the site. There is a Directory of Scottish law firms searchable by name, location or area of law, and a section aimed at law students giving links to Scottish law schools.

ScoLAG: Scottish Legal Action Group

Website of the Scottish Legal Action Group (ScoLAG), whose aim is "to promote equal access to justice in Scotland." The site provides a list of events organised by the group and access to the contents pages and selected sections from their monthly journal, ScoLAG Legal Journal. The free sections of the journal which appear in full in PDF format include the editorial, consultations, events and the web review articles which look at websites covering a particular theme. Issues are available on the website back to April 2000. The site also has a page of web links.

Law Society of Scotland Directory of Expert Witnesses

The Directory of Expert Witnesses is an annual publication published jointly by the Law Society of Scotland and W.Green. The directory contains details of expert witnesses based in Scotland or experts based elsewhere in the United Kingdom who cover Scotland. The directory can be freely searched online by name or keyword. There is also a more detailed 'structured search' option which allows you to specify an area of expertise which can be refined to a more specific subject area and then narrowed further by experience, occupation and location.

Citizens Advice

Website provides information for the UK general public on law and rights relating to privacy, benefits, housing, employment, debt, consumer protection, immigration and other topics. It is produced by Citizens Advice. Where appropriate, users are clearly directed to additional sources of expert advice, so that they can find further help on questions. The site is in Welsh and English.

Home land

This site provides "information from Scottish and International Perspectives on Land Tenure, Land Reform, Land Use and Social Land Ownerships" part of the Caledonia Centre for Social Development. It has " ... been prepared by a group of individuals with an interest in land reform, land administration, land ownership and land use" a number of whom are staff at the Caledonia Centre for Social Development.

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