
Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland

Website of the Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland (ASNTS). These tribunals hear cases involving children and young people with learning difficulties. Appeals made by parents and young people against decisions of Education Authorities regarding the provision of educational support are considered along with cases involving disability discrimination. Summaries of tribunal decisions are published on the site and links to relevant legislation and codes of practice are also given.

Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707

Open-access database containing the proceedings of old Scottish parliaments, 1235 to 1707. Produced by the Scottish Parliament Project at the University of St Andrews, the database is the most comprehensive collection of Scottish parliamentary proceedings ever produced; it includes legislation, records of parliamentary proceedings, petitions, letters patent, charters and other documents. Latin and English parallel texts are provided. There are simple and advanced search facilities, or the data can be browsed by reign.

Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum

The Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum (SCFF) was set up by academics from five Scottish universities to facilitate discussion of Scotland's constitutional future and to promote public understanding of the issues involved. The SCFF website hosts a blog with posts by a range of experts, mostly academics in law, from Scotland and elsewhere; an RSS feed is available for new blog posts.The Resources section of the website provides a bibliography (under ‘Useful Publications’), a set of links and a timeline of events from May 2007 up to the independence referendum of September 2014.

Devolution Matters

Blog by Alan Trench, Professor of Politics at the University of Ulster, about devolution in the UK. Includes numerous posts on the Scottish independence referendum of 2014. Provides a briefing called ‘Devolution: the basics’ as well as information about the West Lothian Question, the Barnett Formula and the Sewel Convention. The blog features Trench’s Twitter feed and also offers RSS feeds for new blog posts and comments.

British Insurance Law Association

BILA is an organsiation for insurers, insurance brokers, academic lawyers and practising lawyers; its membership is drawn from Britain and also from overseas. As well as being an association in its own right, it is the British chapter of the Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA). BILA’s website describes its work and gives details of its events, but most of the content - such as the Journal and the Research pages - is restricted to members.

Journal Online

Website of the Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, providing current articles and an archive of past issues going back to January 1999. The site also includes a blog, a discussion form and information about events.

British History Online

Digital library of British historical sources from the 11th to 19th centuries, provided by the Institute of Historical Research, University of London. Includes an Administrative and Legal History section, with acts of the Privy Council, the Statutes of the Realm, records of the courts of quarter sessions and assize courts, the Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum and many other materials.

Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal

Website of the Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal (SSDT), an independent body dealing with serious disciplinary issues within the legal profession, such as professional misconduct and inadequate professional service. The website provides the findings of the Tribunal back to 1995; searchable by name or date, or browseable by case type. Information about the work of the Tribunal works and how to make an appeal is given in the form of a selection of FAQs. There are also Tribunal rules, annual reports and profiles of members.

Standards Commission for Scotland

Website of the Standards Commission for Scotland an independent body set up by the Ethical Standards in Public etc. (Scotland) Act 2000. Complaints against councillors and members of devolved public bodies are investigated by the Chief Investigating Officer (CIO). If the CIO finds there has been a breach of one of the codes of conduct for councillors or members of devolved public bodies they will report this to the Standards Commission who may then hold a hearing. The site has links to the Ethical Standards Act and to the codes of conduct..

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