
Administrative Rules

Portal to US state and federal rules and regulations. Explains what administrative rules are and gives links to codified and uncodified versions for each state and for the federal government.The resource is provided by the Administrative Codes & Registers Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

Maldives Department of Information

The official website of the Department of Information in the Republic of Maldives (part of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture), formally the Ministry of Legal Reform, Information and Arts. The Downloads section contains links to PDFs of law and regulations, mainly relating to information and media but including the country’s constitution. Most documents are in Dhiveti, but the constitution is in English.

Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique

The Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique, SOQUIJ, produces a range of priced publications and products aimed at law schools and the legal profession. But its website also includes content freely available to everyone, “services aux citoyens” and “ressources pour tous”. Court decisions from the Cour du Québec and from other Quebec courts and tribunals are online, as well as decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada and federal courts. Decisions date from 2000 mainly, and are mostly in French with some decisions translated into English.

Rulemaking Gateway

The Rulemaking Gateway is a website of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. It provides free access for the public to the status of the EPA's priority rulemakings. The Gateway includes rules that have not yet been proposed, those open for public comment, those for which EPA is working on a final rule and those that have been recently finalised. Priority rulemakings are determined by regulatory managers based on criteria such as environmental significance, impact on the economy, external interest and effect on other EPA programmes.

Office for Human Research Protections

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) is the division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services responsible for ensuring that human subject research complies with appropriate regulations through the provision of guidance and education to research institutions. The OHRP website publishes a range of policy guidance, including federal regulations, compliance procedures and other advice-giving materials. Policy guidance is organised by topic including consent, research, human subjects, children, prisoners, stem cells and tissue storage.

Swiss Bankers Association

The Swiss Bankers Association is the representative association for financial institutions in Switzerland. Publications include a code of conduct, papers on risk management, and press releases, and are available in PDF. The feature on SPSS discusses Swiss Performance Presentation Standards, which are used to ensure performance reporting by banks in Switzerland. A feature on legislation and self-regulation outlines the legislative and regulatory framework in the Swiss financial services sector.

Rahoitustarkastus (Financial Supervision)

The Finnish Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) "supervises financial markets and participants" in Finland. The FSA works in connection with the Bank of Finland, but is independent and takes its mandate from the Act on FSA of 1993 (included in an English-language version). The site presents various documents pertaining to the FSA's strategy, procedure, objectives and history. News, updates, annual reports and some articles are presented, and longer documents are in PDF.

Drafting Legal Documents

A guide to legal writing, from the Office of the Federal Register, US National Archives and Records Administration. The guide is a sequence of linked topics on the basics of writing regulatory documents which include arrangement, headings, definitions, ambiguity, principles of clear writing and grammar. In addition, the site presents some links to plain language resources and a PDF copy of the Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook 1998 with amendments.

Tasmanian Legislation

Website offering free public access to Tasmania's Consolidated Legislation Online. The project is managed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania, and aims to improve the availability of the full-text of the legislation. The site publishes Acts consolidated to 1st February 1997 and new legislation since then, as well as statutory rules from the beginning of 1998. Users are offered plenty of guidance, help and background information to help them to differentiate between the sessional and historical versions of the legislation.

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