
International Privacy Law Library

This WorldLII project aims to make searchable from one location all of the databases specialising in Privacy and freedom of information (FOI) law available on WorldLII. Databases currently included are taken from CanLII (the Canadian Legal Information Institute), AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) and BAILII (the British and Irish Legal Information Institute). Material is also included from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).

New Zealand Privacy Commissioner

Website of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, an independent Crown entity established by the 1993 Privacy Act. The site provides information about the work of the Commissioner's Office and about the Privacy Act which is available (with amendments) in full-text in HTML. The site also has copies of annual reports, codes of practice and guidance for the public on making a complaint along with a selection of fact sheets issued by the Commissioner dealing with complaints he has investigated. There is also a collection of reports and submissions made by the Privacy Commissioner.

Citizens Advice

Website provides information for the UK general public on law and rights relating to privacy, benefits, housing, employment, debt, consumer protection, immigration and other topics. It is produced by Citizens Advice. Where appropriate, users are clearly directed to additional sources of expert advice, so that they can find further help on questions. The site is in Welsh and English.

Center for Democracy and Technology

Website of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC in the United States whose stated aim is "to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age". The CDT is concerned with issues such as free expression, privacy, digital copyright, cryptography and data mining. There are policy briefs and news items relating to the CDT's work along with full text reports and articles and links to relevant legislation. There is background information about the CDT's Board of Directors and Advisory Committee.


The Panopticon blog is maintained by barristers at 11KBW in London. It monitors developments taking place in information law. The site has a section explaining what information law covers, including areas such as "data protection, freedom of information, the protection of private information under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, breach of confidence, and the regulation of surveillance". Posts cover legal news stories including links to original sources, decisions, legislation and reports.

Australian Privacy and Surveillance Law Library

The Australian Privacy and Surveillance Law Library is an AustLII project providing access to a searchable collection of Australian legal materials specialising in privacy and surveillance law. The Library has been developed in conjunction with the interpreting Privacy Principles (iPP) Project which is based at theCyberspace Law & Policy Centre at the University of New South Wales. There are databases containing case law, legislation, law journals and law reform publications as well as links to external related resources.

interpreting Privacy Principles

Website of the interpreting Privacy Principles (iPP) project which is based at the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre at the University of New South Wales in Australia. The project is focused on the ¶interpretation of information privacy principles (IPPs) and µcore conceptsã in Australiaãs various privacy laws, particularly by Courts, Tribunals and privacy regulators÷ and is funded by the Australian Research Council.

Global Network Initiative

Website of the Global Network Initiative, a coalition of ICT companies, human rights organisations, academics, investors and technology leaders whose purpose is to protect and advance freedom of expression and privacy in the ICT sector. The site has documents describing the Initiativeãs principles (based on existing international laws) and providing guidance for ICT companies on putting these principles into practice. A selection of FAQs provides further information on the Initiative and its work.

Privacy - OECD

Section of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) website devoted to its work on privacy. An overview of the policy area is provided, together with links to documents including the OECD Privacy Guidelines; the 2022 'Declaration on government access to personal data held by private sector entities'; and the 2007 'Recommendation on co-operation in cross-border enforcement of privacy law'. The OECD website is available in English and French.

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