
Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Data Protection Register

The Data Protection Register is available on the Information Commissioner’s website. The register contains the name and address of organisations that process personal information along with a general description of the kind of processing they do. The register is searchable by organisation name, registration number, address or postcode.

Privacy International

Privacy International is a London-based NGO dedicated to protecting the right to privacy worldwide. It carries out research, monitors surveillance technologies and raises awareness of threats to privacy. The organisation's website describes its current projects and makes available its research reports, including detailed reports on privacy and surveillance in more than 40 countries. A blog and a Twitter feed are also available.

Institute for Information Law

Web pages for a research facility based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam. The site explains the aims, work and fields of study undertaken at the Institute. Research teams explore the legal issues relating to intellectual property, industrial property, freedom of information and expression, privacy, media law, telecommunications, advertising and consumer law, and e-commerce on a private and commissioned basis. Research papers and other publications on these topics are published online on the site.

Information Commissioner's Office

The UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) enforces the Data Protection Act 1998 and is also responsible for freedom of information. The main functions of the ICO are the promotion of good information handling and the encouragement of best practice in the processing of personal data. The site offers guidance to the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act with information on specific topics including medical records, CCTV, junk mail and social networking.

Megan's Law by State

An online directory containing status information and links to legislation providing for sex offender registration and community notification in each of the US states, known as "Megan's Law" legislation. A map indicates the level of Internet access to records provided by the state authorities, ranging from state sponsored access to no community notification. Directory entries include information about the state contact, administrating agency, duration of requirement, penalties for non-compliance and confidentiality provisions with links to relevant websites and online documents.

Stanford Technology Law Review

Website of the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR), an online technology law journal from Stanford Law School in the United States. The journal contains scholarly articles on technology and the law, covering the intersection of law, science and technology, and public policy. Articles can be downloaded in pdf format back to about 2017, and abstracts are available back to 2012. The symposia feature includes papers from the STLR online symposia. There are also working papers, student notes and perspectives offering news and comments on aspects of technology and the law.

Australian Privacy Foundation

The Australian Privacy Foundation is a non-governmental organisation describing itself as the "primary association dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of Australians".The site has selected papers by the Foundation including articles, submissions and letters. These are available back to 1997 and apart from the older documents most can be viewed in full-text. Online resource guides provide access to privacy laws of Australian states and territories, to the Australian Commonwealth and to other countries.

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