legal systems

Law and legal research in Zambia

Online guide to the law and legal system of Zambia written by Alfred S. Magagula who is an LL.B. student at the University of Swaziland. 2011 update of the guide published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides background information on the history, governmental system, foreign policy, political parties and economy of Zambia. There is an outline of the judicial system and details of Zambian sources of law which include the Constitution, legislation and judicial precedent.

Judicial system in Thailand

Online version of a chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", by the ASEAN Law Association. Covers the legal system in Thailand, including historical background and an overview of the Thai judicial system, information on the court system and on the courts established under the Constitution (the Constitutional Court, Court of Justice, Military Court and the Administrative Court), the legal profession and legal education, civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution in Thailand.

Legal system in Singapore

Chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", produced by the ASEAN Law Association. Provides a history of the legal system of Singapore and information on sources of law, the governmental system, civil and criminal procedures and the legal profession and legal education. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam.

Legal system in Vietnam

Vietnam chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", by the ASEAN Law Association. Covers the Vietnamese legal profession and organisations, an outline of the court system, civil and criminal procedures, sources of law and an outline of the governmental system. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore.

Legal system in Malaysia

Chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", produced by the ASEAN Law Association. Covers the history and development of the legal system in Malaysia, the administration of justice, the court system including courts with specialist functions and information on other bodies related to the judiciary. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines and Vietnam.

Legal system in the Philippines

Chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", by the ASEAN Law Association. Provides a historical overview of the legal system of the Philippines and covers sources of law, the governmental system, criminal and civil procedure, the legal profession and legal education. There are also sections dealing with Philippines contract law, tort law, investments law, intellectual property law, alternative dispute resolution and environmental law. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Vietnam.

Legal system in Indonesia

Chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", published by the ASEAN Law Association. Written in 2005, it covers the Constitution, criminal and civil legal systems, the court system, the legal profession and education, alternative dispute resolution and business law. Other chapters available online describe the legal systems in Brunei, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Vietnam.

Legal system in Brunei Darussalam

Online version of a chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems" produced by the ASEAN Law Association. Provides historical background and covers sources of law, the governmental and court systems, criminal and civil procedures and information relating to the legal profession and legal education in Brunei. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Vietnam.

ASEAN Law Association

Website of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Law Association, a non-governmental professional organisation which brings together members of the legal profession in ASEAN countries. The site provides historical and organisational information about the ALA. Publications and speeches of members from the various countries can be freely downloaded.

Indonesian legal system and legal research

Online guide to the Indonesian legal system, by law graduate Alamo D. Laiman and others, and updated by Dewi Savitri Reni who works at Indonesian law firm Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono. The guide was published in 2009 (and updated in 2015) on New York University's Globalex website. It provides background and historical information about Indonesia and its legal system, with references and links to further resources. There is an outline of the governmental system, together with sections providing information on the courts system, sources of law and the legal profession.

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