legal services

Criminal Justice Matters

Criminal Justice Matters is a journal which aims to provide "information and informed opinion" on topical issues of interest relating to criminal justice. The journal is produced quarterly by ISTD: The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, and published by Routledge. The Centre is a registered charity, which claims to be a non-partisan, non-campaigning body. This section is part of the Centre's site which is hosted on the King's College London server. Each issue explores a single theme in the field of criminology.

Lex Africa

Website for Lex Africa, a network of selected leading law firms throughout the countries of Africa. The site is hosted by Werksmans Attorneys in Johannesburg, South Africa. Each firm listed has information in HTML format about its staff, contact details, main areas of practice, and a guide to doing business in that particular country. Links are provided to other African business and trade sites.

West Coast Environmental Law

Website of West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL), an environmental law and advocacy organisation based in British Columbia, Canada. The site provides information on WCEL's issues and programs including details of publications, news, campaign updates and links under these headings: climate change; environmental deregulation; water; forestry; oil, gas and mining; toxics and urban growth and development. The site offers an online library catalogue, newsletters and annual reports. WCEL publications can be downloaded in full.

Internet Services Providers Association

Website of the Internet Services Providers Association (ISPA), the UK's trade association for internet service providers. The Association's code of practice, selected news items and organisational information are made freely available on the site. A list of current members is presented, including contacts and addresses. There are answers to FAQs about the Internet industry such as cookies, spam, children on the internet and combatting illegal content.

ADR Group : Alternative Dispute Resolution

Web pages of ADR Group, founded in 1989 and specialists in providing mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The website is also intended for the Alternative Dispute Resolution Network, ADR-NET, with a password-protected members only area. All the other features are freely available: news, details of events and training courses on ADR, and information about the ADR Group. The site also offers a form to send messages and enquiries to the Group, and a form to refer a case to them.

Law Society of Singapore

Website for the Law Society of Singapore, the professional organisation serving legal practitioners in Singapore. The site contains information about the Society's history, structure, functions and services and features information aimed at the public covering legal topics such as buying and selling a house, making a will, arrest and bail, Faraid or Muslim inheritance law and the courts system in Singapore. The site also carries a directory of Singapore law firms and practitioners with a search engine. Selected articles from the Singapore Law Gazette can be viewed online.


CompactLaw is a site offering free and paid-for legal information and services for England and Wales. The service has been established as a privately run and funded company by a small group of UK barristers, solicitors and paralegal specialists. Commercial information includes documents and forms that can be purchased in packs arranged by profession such as health and safety, human resources, e-commerce, landlords and business. Free information is organised by subject into factsheets and FAQs.

Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales

Final report of the Legal Services Review which was set up under Sir David Clementi to undertake a review of the regulation of legal services in England and Wales by the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs in July 2003. The final report was published in December 2004 and is linked to on the National Archives website. Key recommendations of the report include a new regulatory framework, a new complaints system and the establishment of alternative business structures designed to eliminate restrictive practices within the legal profession.

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