legal services

Northern Territory Attorney General’s Department

Website of the Attorney General’s Department of the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. The Department covers the NT courts, tribunals, correctional services, regulatory services and the Director of Public Prosecutions. The site gives links to the court websites which include daily lists and decisions. There are justice publications, information on the work of the NT Law Reform Committee and information aimed at legal practitioners.

Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland

Website of the Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland (LSANI), an executive agency within the Department of Justice, which has responsibility for the administration of legal aid in Northern Ireland. There is information about the work of LSANI and members of the LSANI Board and guidance on accessing legal aid aimed at the public. The section aimed at the legal profession provides legislation, Department of Justice Directions and LSANI guidance. There is also guidance on using the digital Legal Aid Management System (LAMS).

Republic of Serbia: Ministry of Justice

Official website of the Serbian Ministry of Justice. The English version of the site outlines the role of the ministry, which has responsibility for criminal and commercial jurisprudence, court administration and the organisation of judicial bodies and the legal profession. There is also information in English on the departments of the Ministry covering European Integration, international legal aid and the judiciary; the international legal aid page includes English translations of relevant legislation. The site is also available in Serbian and Croatian.

Legal Services Agency

Website of the Legal Services Agency (LSA) a Law Centre and Charity based in Scotland. The organisation provides legal advice and representation for disadvantaged people focusing on issues such as mental illness, poverty, debt, homelessness, women and young people. There is information on the law in Scotland relating to these topics and a number of publications that are free to download from the site. Details are also given of seminars and legal education events held at the LSA.

Socialist Lawyer

The journal of the London-based Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, an association independent of any political party. The journal is available the Society’s website from issue 42 (November 2005) onwards. It covers legal developments in the UK and overseas, with a focus on civil liberties and social justice. Past issues of the journal are provided in full, in pdf format, while access to the current issue is limited to selected articles.

Claims Management Regulation

This section of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) website explains the work of the department responsible for regulating claims management services: businesses regulated under the Compensation Act 2006, dealing with claims relating to personal injury, criminal injuries, industrial injuries, employment, financial services and housing disrepair. The site has guidance for claims management business on applying for authorisation, information for consumers, a searchable directory of authorised businesses, legislation and other documentation.

Immigration Law Center on the Internet

Website carrying information on US immigration law and visas, collated and maintained by Boyd F. Campbell, a lawyer practising in Montgomery, Alabama. This site has regular updates about changes in US immigration law and details of a number of immigration laws pending in Congress. There are essays offering guidance on how to become a US citizen, on employment visas for US businesses and on how to find, hire and work with a US immigration lawyer. All the information is freely available and published in HTML. The site also describes and promotes commercial services offered by the practice.

National Institute of Justice

The website of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the research and development arm of the United States Department of Justice. Its website covers the work of the institute, news, funding opportunities and publications. A section listing the programs currently being run by the Institute is included with links to the individual program sites. 

HEUNI: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control

The website of the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI), is an online information resource that aims to provide information on crime prevention and criminal justice to European countries. The Institute, located in Helsinki, was formed through an Agreement between the United Nations and Finland in 1981 and forms part of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme network. The website provides a list of HEUNI publications arising from its research in the field, many of which can be can be accessed in full-text.

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