law reports

Ministério da Justiça (Portugal) - Bases Jurídico-Documentais

Several case law databases are provided here by the Portuguese Ministry of Justice. Details of decisions and agreements are available from the Office of the Attorney General, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Courts of Lisbon and Oporto, and the Constitutional Court. The texts and presentation throughout are in Portuguese. The page also offers selected bibliographic data from Portuguese law libraries.

Conseil d'Etat, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

The Conseil d'Etat advises the Government of Luxembourg and gives expert opinions on law reforms and questions of higher administration. Its website outlines its history, composition and organisation. The Conseil's opinions are available on the 'Avis' page from 2008 onwards. Relevant laws, regulations and extracts from the Constitution are provided under 'Législation'. The site is available in French only.

Web pages from the Italian Ministry of Justice, in Italian only, offering a description of the Italian legal and court systems and an organisational chart of the Ministry. Profiles are given of the Minister and Under Secretaries and details of other departments within the Ministry. There is information on the Ministry's international policies and cooperation with other countries. The "Glossary" provides definitions of the most commonly used terms peculiar to the Italian justice system.

HUDOC: Human Rights Documentation

HUDOC is a free database of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) cases, decisions and reports of the European Commission of Human Rights, and resolutions of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. It is part of the ECHR web portal. Users may search by case name, respondent, application number, Convention article, keyword, conclusion, date range and other criteria. Documents are HTML, PDF or Word format. The interface is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish or Turkish; the documents are mostly in English and/or French.

Hawaii State Judiciary

Website of the Judiciary for the US State of Hawaii, the branch of government responsible for administering justice in Hawaii. The site has general information about the Hawaii courts and jury service along with background information on legal issues such as divorce, small claims, going to court and juvenile proceedings. There is information aimed at attorneys including rules of professional conduct and Hawaii Appeal Court opinions back to 1998. These can be viewed in full text although not all of the earlier cases are provided in full. The site includes a page of related web links.

Idaho State Judiciary

Official service provided by the Idaho State Judiciary on the US State of Idaho website. The site has information on the court system and judicial administration and on the Idaho District Courts, Drug Courts and Family Court Services. Cited opinions of the Idaho Supreme Court and Idaho Court of Appeals are posted on the site on the day of their release and removed when they are published in the Pacific Reporter and the Idaho Reports. These can be browsed by date or searched by keyword. Court forms and rules can be downloaded from the site and there is a page of related web links.

Ius Commune Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe

Web pages describing a research project aiming to develop a collection of cases and other materials from different European jurisdictions. A broader aim is to investigate the influences upon and potential integration of legal systems in the member states of the European Union. The site describes the organisation, work and progress of the project and provides the contents lists and tables of cases and legislation from each casebook.

Federal Court of Australia Judgments

Official website developed by the Federal Court of Australia containing the full-text of judgments or decisions of the Federal Court of Australia (from 1977) and courts and tribunals administered by the Federal Court including the Industrial Relations Court of Australia (from 1994), the Australian Competition Tribunal (from 1997), the Copyright Tribunal (from 1997), the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Tribunal (from 1999) and the Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal (1999).

InfoCuria - Case-law of the Court of Justice

Official European Union database carrying all judgments, opinions and orders issued by the Court of Justice, General Court and Civil Service Tribunal, plus case summaries and court notices. The database is on the Courts' website, Curia. New cases are available on the day the decision is given. InfoCuria can be searched by case number, date, party names, subject, key words and other criteria. Content is available in all the official EU languages, except for cases not intended for publication in the European Court Reports.

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