law journals

Sheffield Hallam Law Review

Website of the Sheffield Hallam Law Review a peer reviewed publication of the Department of Law, Criminology and Community at Sheffield Hallam University. The aim of the journal is to enable undergraduate and postgraduate students of law to have their academic research reach a wider audience. The Review is published annually and can be searched or browsed by issue, author or title on the site. The first issue has articles on the legality of Guantanamo Bay, human rights in the field of mental health and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. Free registration required.

Legal Affairs (Nuclear Energy Agency)

The Nuclear Law pages of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The NEA is the OECD body committed to the development of peaceful nuclear energy. The law pages outline the NEA's Legal Affairs' goals and objectives, as well as its programme of work. The "publications" section includes partial access to the Nuclear Law Bulletin, available in PDF in English or French. This bulletin covers developments in nuclear law from almost 60 jurisdictions around the world, including legislation, and legal and administrative decisions. Data is also available.

Florida Law Online

An independent website developed by attorney James H. Wyman as a service for lawyers, students and the public. The site is a gateway to online legal information relating to the U.S. State of Florida. It covers Florida case law, court rules and forms; Florida laws (including the Constitution); the Florida Executive (including opinions of the Attorney General); the legislative process (including bills and legislative rules); municipal codes and ordinances; legal journals; and legal directories. The interface allows this information to be either searched or browsed.

SSRN Legal Scholarship Network

The Legal Scholarship Network aims to facilitate the distribution of scholarly information related to law, economics and business; it is a division of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). It is free to join the Network, but subscriptions are payable for some of the services offered. Users of the Network can access research papers, conference papers, pre-print journal articles and other scholarly writings, either in the form of abstracts, or as full-text documents. Authors can submit their abstracts and papers online, for possible publication on the LRN website.

Stanford Technology Law Review

Website of the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR), an online technology law journal from Stanford Law School in the United States. The journal contains scholarly articles on technology and the law, covering the intersection of law, science and technology, and public policy. Articles can be downloaded in pdf format back to about 2017, and abstracts are available back to 2012. The symposia feature includes papers from the STLR online symposia. There are also working papers, student notes and perspectives offering news and comments on aspects of technology and the law.

Computers and Law

Computers and Law is the official journal of the Society of Computers and Law and reflects the Society's aims of encouraging and developing information technology for lawyers and information technology related law. The journal is published bi-monthly and can be accessed on the Society's website. Full text is available to members only, but contents of most issues are available online. The site includes information on SCL membership; contacts for contributing articles; and advertising rates in the journal.

De Rebus

Website of De Rebus, the online version of the official monthly journal of the Law Society of South Africa. The journal covers a broad range of subjects of interest to the legal profession, including tax matters, labour and family law, civil procedure and third-party matters. Monthly sections are included analysing constitutional cases and new legislation, and new developments in the legal profession. Issues of De Rebus are made freely available on the site in full-text back to 1998.

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS)

The Centre is "an independent charity at King's College London that informs and educates about all aspects of crime and the criminal justice system". CCJS publishes the 'British Journal of Criminology' and produces a quarterly magazine, 'Criminal Justice Matters' .The site provides online access to the centre's publications and a list of archived publications. There is an events diary listing forthcoming conferences, seminars and meetings on criminal justice; and a news section giving access to press releases, articles, and consultation responses.

Westlaw UK

Westlaw UK is an online legal research service for the UK and EU, created by leading UK publishers Sweet & Maxwell. It is a subscription service, accessed by password. Westlaw UK provides a comprehensive collection of legal sources: UK and EU case law, UK and EU legislation, EU official publications, journal articles, Legal Journals Index, textbooks and encyclopaedias, news and business information. The website provides background information, technical specifications, support details and a feedback form for expressions of interest.

Gazette du Palais

Web pages of the Gazette du Palais, the French law journal and current awareness service for the legal profession in France. The printed Gazette has been in publication since 1881. Features of the website include the "fonds documentaire", the "s?lection gazette", and the "copies d'arr?ts". To gain full access, a subscription is needed. The site is in French throughout.

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