law journals

Emory Law Journal

Website for US academic law journal, Emory Law Journal, produced by the Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. The journal publishes professional and student papers dealing with a full range of legal matters including alternative dispute resolution, antitrust and competition law, employment law and criminal law from a US perspective. The website provides access to full text articles with an archive back to 2004.

Journal of Law and Economics

Website for the Journal of Law and Economics (ISSN 0022-2186) published twice a year by the University of Chicago. The journal was established in 1958, and aims to explore the complex relationships between law and economics, focusing on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Although topically varied, articles are most often concerned with how markets behave and with the actual effects of governmental institutions on markets, providing a basis for an informed discussion of public policy.

Journal of Legal Studies

Website for the Journal of Legal Studies (ISSN 0047-2530) a scholarly print journal published twice a year by the University of Chicago. Inaugurated in 1972, the Journal is an interdisciplinary publication of theoretical and empirical research on law and legal institutions. Economists, political scientists, sociologists, other social scientists, as well as legal scholars, contribute to the Journal. It features articles covering US and international topics including bankruptcy, damages and law reform. The site provides contents listings from 1972 onwards with abstracts from 1997 onwards.

American Criminal Law Review

The American Criminal Law Review is a leading US print journal of criminal law published by students at the Georgetown University Law Center. The journal is produced four times a year and features articles by professors, practitioners and others that aim to provide timely treatment of significant developments in constitutional and criminal law. Each Spring ACLR also publishes an annual survey of white collar crime. The website gives contents listings from volume 34 onwards with subscription and submission details.

Berkeley Technology Law Journal

Website for the Berkeley Technology Law Journal (ISSN 1086-3818), published twice each year by students at the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. The journal is a continuation of the High Technology Law Journal. Articles handle topics such as software copyright, digital publishing, invention secrecy, covering "intellectual property, high-tech and bio-tech". The site presents full-text online content from Vol 17 (2002) onwards. Earlier copies are available via LexisNexis or Westlaw to those institutions with a subscription.

ASIL Insights

Free online newsletter produced by the American Society of International Law. ASIL Insights publishes pieces highlighting developments in international law, aiming to inform decision-makers, the legal profession and the public by means of short articles. The current issue is available together with an archive going back to 1996. It is possible to register on the website for free email delivery or and RSS feed.

International Law in Brief

International Law in Brief is an online blog following and examining developments in international law. The blog is prepared by the Attorney-Editors of International Legal Materials, a core publication of The American Society of International Law. International Law in Brief contains analytical abstracts of significant documents including treaties, other international agreements, legislation, judicial decisions, reports and other documents with links to the full text.

American Journal of International Law

Web pages for the American Journal of International Law, a scholarly journal published by the American Society of International Law. AJIL has been published quarterly since 1907. It features articles and editorials, notes and comment by preeminent scholars on developments in international law and international relations. The website provides selected articles in full, the table of contents from the latest issue, and an international law blog.

Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review

Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review is an exclusively online law journal. The Review's primary purpose is to examine the tensions created by advances in computing, telecommunications, biotechnology, multimedia, networking, information and other technologies. Founded in 1994, MTTLR was one of the first law journals to use interactive media to promote informed discourse about the interrelated legal, social, business, and public policy issues raised by emerging technologies. The website archive contains articles from volume 1 (Fall 1994 - Spring 1995) onwards.

Richmond Journal of Law and Technology

Richmond Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is an online American law review, published since April 1995 by students at the University of Richmond School of Law. The journal focuses on the impact that computer-related and other emerging technologies have on the law, in the USA and internationally. The website presents full-text papers from volume 1, issue 1 (April 1995) onwards in HTML and from 2003 onwards in PDF. Recent articles have looked at electronic discovery, use of laptops in law school classrooms and ethical considerations for legal blogs.

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