law firms

Doughty Street Chambers

Website of Doughty Street Chambers a UK based chambers specialising in human rights and civil liberties law. The site provides profiles of barristers, academic experts and other staff at the chambers and information on the areas of law covered. A collection of articles and papers and CPD podcasts by Doughty Street Chambers' barristers, associate tenants and academic experts are available to download from the site. Free registration is required to download the podcasts. The site also has a page of links to related human rights websites.


Lexpert is a Thomson Carswell company based in Canada. Their website provides access to a range of journals and directories relating to the business of law. Publications include the Lexpert Magazine which focuses on legal business issues. This subscription journal has free extracts from articles available on the site. The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory is a directory of Canadian lawyers and law firms freely searchable on the site. The Lexpert US Guide offers full text articles and profiles of cross border lawyers.

Studio legale Tedioli

Website of Italian law firm, Tedioli. The firm is based in Mantova and specialises in agricultural, commercial, corporate, civil, family and insolvency law and arbitration. As well as information on Tedioli's staff and services a number of freely available legal resources are also provided. The News section has information relating to legal developments in Italy including recent legislation and judgements. There are also in house articles covering the various practice areas which can be downloaded from the site.

Abuse Law

The Abuse Law website is a micro site of Abney Garsden McDonald Solicitors, a specialised child abuse compensation law firm in Cheshire. The site provides information aimed at child and adult survivors of physical, sexual and psychological abuse and professionals working for survivors of abuse. There is guidance, in the form of FAQs, on civil and criminal court procedure and on being a witness in court. There is guidance to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme and information on the Human Rights Act and legal aid.

Werksmans Attorneys

Werksmans is a South African corporate and commercial law firm. Their website provides information about the firm and its practice areas, together with legal updates, podcasts and videos. Webinar-based training courses for lawyers are also available, for a fee. 

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