law firms

LexisNexis: Future of Law

Future of Law is one of the blogs hosted by LexisNexis. It is aimed at legal professionals and covers the latest industry developments, key market trends, recent technology changes and the business of law. Recent articles look at pioneering law firms, the role of freelance lawyers and AI for UK lawyers. Posts date back to 2012 and can be searched by keyword or browsed by tags.


Online platform provided by Tree & Trees JusticeMedia Group. The full text of some items is freely available online (copying restricted) and PDF copies are available for a fee. The site includes federal and state laws, regulations, court rules, and judgments (1914 – present), as well as treaties. Contact information is provided for law firms and legal experts in Nigeria, arranged by practice area.

War in Ukraine: Tracking the Conflict’s Reverberations Across the Legal Industry

This page on the International website provides legal news relating to the conflict in Ukraine. The site is monitoring the impact Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions have had on the legal industry providing news, expert analysis, features and opinion pieces. Content covers the response of law firms to the crisis, the issues faced by firms who have been working in Russia and the pro bono and humanitarian efforts being undertaken by the industry. International is a legal news site aimed at international lawyers.

Herbert Smith Freehills: Employment Notes

This section of the Herbert Smith Freehills website provides free access to an employment law blog highlighting developments in international employment legislation, regulation and litigation. Posts can be filtered by jurisdiction or category including whistleblowing, termination of employment, industrial relations, workplace related claims, health and safety and workplace culture, discrimination and diversity. The site can also be searched by keyword and results limited by content type eg. videos, podcasts or webinars.


Website of Juriosity, an online directory and self-publishing platform for legal practitioners.  It includes a directory of barristers and solicitors, which can be searched, or browsed by legal specialism. The Knowledge section of the site offers articles written by lawyers on legal developments and recent cases; these can be browsed by topic or searched by keyword or author. The site is freely accessible but free registration is required before legal professionals can contribute their own content.

Legal Futures

Legal Futures is a news website looking at market intelligence and developments in the legal market.
The site includes legal news stories and features, with sections focusing on legal practice management and regulation. Details of future events, along with videos from past events, are available on the site and reports - covering subjects such as the law firm of the future and the impact of technology - can be freely downloaded. A services directory providing contact details of companies can be browsed by sector. 

Legal Software Suppliers Association

Website of the Legal Software Suppliers Association (LSSA), the industry body for legal systems developers and vendors in the UK. The site has links to members’ websites, a copy of the LSSA code of conduct and details of working parties. There is a white paper on data conversion which provides guidance for law firms changing from one software system to another. News items and a page of related web links are also given.

Institute of Legal Finance and Management

Website of the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM), a not-for-profit membership organisation for legal finance, administration and practice management professionals including legal cashiers and accounts managers. Details of professional qualifications provided by the ILFM are given on the site along with information on CPD training, conferences and other events. There is a guide to legal software providers and a page of related web links. Other content on the site is restricted to members only, eg.

Brexit legal resources

A selection of online guides looking at the impact of the brexit vote on different areas of law in the UK. The guides have been written by lawyers at international law firm Eversheds and made freely available on the Eversheds website. Areas of law covered on the site include automotive, banking and finance, contracts, environmental, privacy, procurement, shipping, tax and trade law. Other briefings and articles on brexit and other legal topics can be accessed from this page.

Lawdit Solicitors

Lawdit is a UK solicitors’ firm specialising in internet and telecommunications law. Its website has a Reading Room with news items, short articles and case commentary on the subjects of IT, telecommunications and related areas of law.

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