

The Overheid.nl website is an online gateway providing guidance to Dutch government websites and to information from other public bodies in the Netherlands. There is a comprehensive page of links to the Dutch parliament, government ministries, provinces and municipality websites. There are also direct links to government sites dealing with topics such as immigration, studying in the Netherlands, trade, health and tourism. An outline of how government works in the Netherlands is also given covering the passage of legislation and information on the judicial system.

World Legal Materials from the Middle East

Collection of links to resources for the law of Middle Eastern jurisdictions, provided by the Cornell Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School. Covers 15 countries. Includes links to constitutions, government websites, some judicial sites, a few collections of laws and other materials relating to the law and legal systems of the Middle East. Most of the materials linked to are in English, but some are in Arabic and some in French.

Justicia Electoral: Custodio de la Voluntad Popular

Website of Justicia Electoral, which is concerned with the administration and legal regulation of the election system in Paraguay, and the Tribunal Superior de Justicia Electoral, the Supreme Electoral Court. These bodies were established under Art. 273-275 of the Paraguay Constitution in 1992. Background information is provided about the structure and role of Justicia Electoral, the Court and the national electoral system. The site provides information about voting methods including electoral registration and accessibility to vote for citizens with disabilities.

National Council of the Judiciary of Poland

Website of the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland (Krajowa Rada Sadownictwa) the official body established in 1989 to protect the independence of the Polish courts and judiciary. The site gives details of the members of the National Council, its history and role in the Polish legal system. A page of links is given to other legal institutions in Poland. The site can be viewed in Polish and English.

Supreme Judicial Council

This website of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) provides information in Bulgarian and English. Details of the history, composition and administration of the SJC are given. Links are provided to the English version of the Constitution of Bulgaria, Judicial System Act, Regulation of the Supreme Judicial Council, and the bylaws of the SJC. Lists of Bulgaria’s judicial districts, district and administrative courts, and prosecutors’ officers are provided.

Jewish Virtual Library – Israeli Politics

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) webpage on Israeli politics. There is information on the formation of a constitution and the structure of the judicial and legislative branches of government. The section entitled Laws and Liberties provides information on freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and background on Supreme Court judgments. The page also provides a link to html copies of the basic laws of Israel.

Judicial Conduct Investigations Office

The official website for the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO). The JCIO took over the responsibilities of the Office for Judicial Complaints (OJC) in 2013. The website provides information on the role of the JCIO, how to make a complaint about the personal conduct of judicial office holders, relevant rules and regulations, and JCIO/OJC annual reports from 2006. Disciplinary statements are available on the website.

Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman

This section of the UK Ministry of Justice website describes the work of the independent Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman. It includes information about making a complaints regarding the appointments process or the handling of matters involving the conduct of judges. Includes information leaflets and a complaints form. There is also a link to the Ombudsman’s latest annual report (under ‘Corporate Reports’), which includes statistics and case studies.

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