
Judicial Performance Evaluation

The Judicial Performance Evaluation Initiative is a project of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) a national research body based at the University of Denver. The purpose of judicial performance evaluation (JPE) is to help "increase public confidence and assist judges in identifying areas of professional development". This site gives an overview of all state JPE programmes using a clickable map and there are links to states with official JPE programs.

Judicial Family Institute

Website of the Judicial Family Institute (JFI) a United States based organisation providing information of interest to judges and their families. The site has a selection of freely available resources and links including articles covering issues relating to the children of judges, the ethical issues surrounding judicial families, health and quality of life issues affecting judges and advice on security. There are links to resources and training programmes available in each state and to state court websites, administrative offices and state ethics codes.

Cayman Islands Judicial and Legal Services Commission

Website of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission (JLSC), a body set up under the 2009 Constitution to advise the Governor of the Cayman Islands on judicial appointments and appointment of the Attorney General, the Director of Public Prosecutions, magistrates and other legal public offices. The site has a copy of the Cayman Islands Constitution and the sections that apply to the JLSC. There are profiles of present and past members of the Commission, the Code of Conduct of the Cayman Islands judiciary and a copy of the complaints procedure.

Bombay High Court Judges' Library

Website of the e-law library of the Bombay High Court in India. The purpose of the library is to provide support and legal information for judges of the Bombay High Court and the site gives access to freely available legal materials and provides details of materials held locally. There is a selection of summaries of historical cases of the Bombay High Court and a list of judges from 1862 onwards. Legislation dealing with judiciary, the Bombay High Court rules and guidelines and the Indian Constitution with amending legislation are given on the site.

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System

Website of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) a national research body based at the University of Denver. IAALS research is focused on the US civil justice system covering the following areas: civil justice reform; civil case management; judicial selection; judicial performance evaluation; judicial independence and domestic relations. IAALS reports are made freely available on the site to download in full text. However free registration is required before users can download the publications.

Federal Judicial Center

The Federal Judicial Center (FJC) is the education and research agency for the US federal courts. The site provides access to research on the federal courts and a selection of educational materials produced for judges and court employees. There is a catalogue of publications and videos produced by the FJC providing bibliographic records for each item. Some of the materials are made available in full text on the site. A section of the site gives information about the FJC's work with judges and court officials of other countries.

Republic of Uganda Judiciary

Official website of the Ugandan Judiciary. The site provides background information on the roles and functions of the Judiciary and gives an outline of its structure. There is information on the Ugandan courts including cause lists and profiles of judges. The site also links to sources of Ugandan judgements and to other Ugandan legal resources.

Órgano Judicial de la República de Panamá

Official website of the Panamanian Judiciary. The site provides background and organisational information about the judiciary and court structure in Panama. There is information on the work of the different sections of the department dealing with mediation, victims of crime, judicial education and legal aid. Profiles are given of judges sitting in the Supreme Court, the High Courts and the Superior Courts in Panama and there are links to related Panamanian legal sites. The site is available in Spanish throughout.

Martin-Quinn Scores

Website of the Martin-Quinn scores project at the Center for Empirical Research in the Law (CERL) at Washington University School of Law. The Martin-Quinn scores have been developed by Andrew D. Martin (Washington University) and Kevin M. Quinn (Harvard University) to measure judicial ideology and increase understanding of the politics of the Supreme Court. The site provides an introduction to the project, datasets showing the Martin-Quinn scores from October 1937 onwards and guidance on how to replicate this analysis.

Justice Education Society

The Justice Education Society (JES) of British Columbia, Canada, conducts research, develops digital tools, gives training and provides information with the aim of strengthening justice systems and improving access to justice around the world. The JES website has information about the Society and its ongoing and completed projects.

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