
Judicial Service Commission Zimbabwe

Website of the Judicial Service Commission, the body responsible for administering the courts and judiciary in Zimbabwe. The site provides information on the various courts and their judges along with cause lists and a selection of High Court rulings. A copy of the Zimbabwe Constitution is given, legislation relating to the courts and judiciary and the judicial code of ethics.

Office of the Judge Advocate General

Web page of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG) which forms part of the Ministry of Justice website. The OJAG deals with criminal trials of service men and women in the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force for serious offences and where defendants choose not to be dealt with by the Commanding Officer. Cases are heard in a Court Martial by a Judge Advocate. The site includes guidance on the Court Martial including proceedings and sentencing.

Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission (NIJAC), an independent public body, established in 2005. NIJAC recommends judicial appointments in Northern Ireland up to the level of High Court judge. The site provides details of the Commissioners and their role, guidance on how judicial appointments are made and the steps in the process. The publications section gives access to NIJAC’s policies and a guide to judicial careers in Northern Ireland.

Judiciary of Scotland

The website of the Scottish Judiciary provides information on the roles and work of judges in Scotland and on the structure of the Scottish court system. It includes practical information for people attending court , a selection of decisions, sentencing statements and Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) determinations. Publications and responses to government consultations can also be viewed on the site.

Judgepedia- an interactive encyclopaedia of courts and judges

The Judgepedia website is a wiki focusing on United States courts and judges. Anyone can contribute to the wiki by registering on the site. Judgepedia is sponsored by the Lucy Burns Institute a non-profit organisation concerned with helping people access public records. Information is organised under four main headings: Federal Courts; State Courts; Judicial Selection and Judicial Philosophy. There is also a page of news stories and a Judgepedia community page. Within these sections can be found information about each court, its judges and links to court websites.

Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

The Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) is the official training and examining body for judges and prosecutors in France. It comes under the aegis of the French Ministry of Justice. The site publishes the texts of legislation pertaining to the setting up and administration of the Ecole. The list of initial and in-service training programmes is published, with details of the preparation and training cycles for candidates wishing to take one of the Ecole's "concours" (competitions). Bibliographies on some aspects of the judicial system are available.

Washington Post Supreme Court

Supreme Court pages of the Washington Post online newspaper. The service provides summaries and stories of cases before the US Supreme Court from the current term. Background stories and news items are also featured on this page. Key cases for the current term are listed by subject area. There are also brief biographical details and links to Washington Post stories for each Supreme Court Justice provided on the site. Some of the content requires free registration before it can be viewed on the site.

Alliance for Justice

Website of Alliance for Justice (AFJ) an umbrella group for United States organisations working to "advance the cause of justice for all Americans, strengthen the public interest community's ability to influence public policy, and foster the next generation of advocates." The AFJ raises public awareness on policy issues by publishing policy alerts, reports and fact sheets provided on the site along with detailed profiles of judges nominated to the federal bench.

Harry A. Blackmun Papers

Online guide to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun's papers produced by the Manuscript Reading Room at the Library of Congress where the collection is housed and made freely available on their website. The collection includes papers from 1913 to 2001 with most of the material covering Justice Blackmun's time as a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit and as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC), an independent non-departmental public body set up in 2005 to select candidates for judicial office. The site has information about the role and history of the Commission and biographical details of the Commissioners. Publications relating to the work of the JAC are available on the site including a business plan and a framework document. There are speeches, news items and details of events. A page describing the selection process is also provided on the site.

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