international relations

Opinio Juris

Opinio Juris is a blog devoted to international law and international relations. Its posts seek 'to describe and analyse international law where it is most controversial and ambiguous.' It was established in 2005 by Chris Borgen of St. John's University Law School, Peggy McGuinness of the University of Missouri Law School and Julian Ku of Hofstra Law School; since 2018 it has been run in partnership with the International Commission of Jurists. The blog can be browsed by region or by topic. 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

This is the official website of the Foreign Ministry of Jordan. It provides access to information about the role of the office and its current activities including coverage of Jordanian foreign policy and diplomacy. The site includes recent press releases, government statements and full-text documents including a copy of the Jordanian Constitution, the National Charter and the Political Parties Law. Contact details of embassies in Jordan are also provided. The site can be viewed in English and Arabic versions.

East African Community

The East African Community is an intergovernmental regional organisation which seeks to promote social, economic and political cooperation between the African nations of Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Kenya. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation, its members and current activities. It provides free access to recent press releases, communiques, annual reports, full-text treaties and other documents. Topics covered include free trade and fiscal policies in Africa, economic aid, health policy, democratic and political development.

Human Rights and Democracy reports

This site provides access to all the Human Rights and Democracy annual reports published by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1998 onwards. They provide detailed information on the strategy and actions of the British government in promoting human rights abroad. They also include comments on FCO activity by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Comittee and key NGO bodies.

Union Du Maghreb Arabe

This is the official website of the Arab Maghreb Union, the international organisation which seeks closer social, political and economic cooperation between the Maghreb Arab nations. Members include: Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania and Algeria. It provides information on the aims of the organisation, facts about its member nations and details of recent activities, conferences and summits. It also includes access to the full-text of recent economic trade agreements and treaties signed by the group. The site is offered in French or Arabic.

Vabariigi Valitsus

This is the official website of the Estonian Government. The site includes details of the Cabinet of ministers, their biographies and areas of activity, and news and press releases. Also included are details of current activities, including plans and projects, mission and priorities, economic and foreign policy, and Estonia's relations with NATO and its membership of the EU.

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy, is part of the European University Institute, and carries out research in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation, and Social and Political Sciences, focusing on European issues, in particular European integration. Its website gives details of current research activities and contains a number of publications and papers which may be downloaded in PDF format, in both French and English. There is also a full list of papers published by the Centre, which may be ordered in printed format.

Council of Europe: sport: reference texts

Collection of documents relating to sport, on the Council of Europe website. It includes the full text of the European Sports Charter (1992), CoE treaties, reports, recommendations and minutes of meetings. The subjects covered include doping, spectator violence, sports policy, ethics, sport promotion and political aspects of sport (including discrimination). The site is available in French and English.

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