human rights

NEAR - Network for Education and Academic Rights

The website of the Network for Education and Academic Rights (NEAR) a non-governmental organisation concerned with the promotion of academic freedom and/or human rights in education. NEAR was established in June 2001 and is supported by UNESCO. The site includes information about the organisation, an alerting and archiving service, a notice board, and links to other related websites.

Update to Guide to Country Research for Refugee Status Determination

A guide to finding information about refugees' and asylum seekers' country of origin, last updated in 2002 and published on the website of the Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX). The guide is written by Elisa Mason, Information Manager for the Forced Migration Online project at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. Commentary, bibliographic information and links to relevant websites are included.

General Report on the Activities of the European Union

This website provides access to the full text of all the official EU annual reports from 1997 to date, giving an overview of all EU activities and policy. Topics covered include: European integration, progress towards European Union enlargement, finance and budgets, the work of individual institutions such as the European Commission, the development of EU law, the work of the intergovernmental conference and progress in the field of human rights. There is a search facility covering the full text of all the reports from 2003 onwards.

Native American Rights Fund: National Indian Law Library

Website of the National Indian Law Library established as a department of the Native American Right Fund in Boulder, Colorado, USA to serve the research needs of the Fund and the wider public. The site gives information about library services and unique collections of Native American legal resources with access to the NILL online catalogue. Materials held by the library include Tribal self-governance documents, treaty texts and Federal administrative documents and selected pleadings from important cases, reporters and manuals.

NATLEX database

NATLEX is a database of information about national labour, social security and related human rights laws in over 190 countries and more than 160 territories. It is maintained by the International Labour Organization's International Labour Standards Department. The records which make up the database are written by legal professionals; they consist of abstracts and bibliographic details, with links to the full text of the laws where possible. NATLEX can be browsed by country or by subject and has a sophisticated search facility.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Website presenting the text of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, included on the official site of the Department of Justice Canada. The Charter is an important statement of human rights policy and is enacted as Schedule B to the Constitution Act 1982 (1982, c.79). In the UK, the Charter is Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (1982, c.11). The Charter is presented on the site in English and French language versions in HTML format.

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