human rights


Reprieve is a London-based charity providing legal representation and assistance for prisoners facing the death penalty and prisoners held beyond the rule of law, for example at Guantanamo Bay; it also investigates and campaigns on issues such as drone attacks and extraordinary rendition. The organisation was founded by human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith. The ‘Our Work’ page of its website provides reports, responses to consultations and other publications, together with information and documentation relating to Reprieve investigations and particular prisoners’ cases.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is part of the intergovernmental Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). It observes elections, monitors democracy and seeks to foster human rights, tolerance and the rule of law. The Office’s website describes its work, provides press releases and makes available its recommendations, reports, and other publications. On the Resources page there is a Documents Library, an email news service and a multimedia library.

Website monitoring the protection of fundamental rights in Europe, provided by the University of Bologna’s Interdepartmental centre for research in European Communities Law (CIRDCE), the Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation and European Magistrates for Democracy and Freedoms (MEDEL). The site makes available a collection of journal articles, studies and other commentary, under ‘Comments’.

Forced Migration Online

Forced Migration Online (FMO), managed by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) at the University of Oxford, provides a collection of research resources, a digital library and other information. It has detailed guides to forced migration issues, by country/region and by topic; a discussion list; information about organizations working with migrants; research guides; and details of other projects with which the FMO team have been involved. The digital library includes nearly 6,000 documents: articles from six leading refugee studies journals, RSC policy briefings and RSC working papers.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides expert advice to EU institutions on questions relating to fundamental rights. Its website includes reports, factsheets and studies; a database of ECJ judgments relating to fundamental rights; and opinions submitted to EU institutions by the FRA. It also makes available a ‘Charterpedia’, a compilation of international, EU and national constitutional law and EU case law relating to fundamental rights.

Public Committee Against Torture in Israel

The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel was founded in 1990 to oppose the use of torture and ill-treatment by the Israeli interrogation and law enforcement authorities. The website is available in English and Arabic. It includes press releases and reports on the use of torture by Israeli authorities and the flaws in the judicial processes involved in addressing complaints of torture. It also features English translations of petitions presented to the Israeli authorities.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights was founded by Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in 1995. It aims to promote the causes of human rights, the rule of law, democratic institutions and Palestinian independence. The Centre’s website can be read in English or in Arabic and features press releases, reports, position papers, and statistics. This material focuses on human rights violations and the weakening of democratic institutions by Israeli Occupation Forces and also by Hamas and Fatah.

Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

Bhatt Murphy is a London-based law firm specialising in the legal protection of civil liberties. Its website includes annotated timelines, with links to legislation and official publications, covering the following areas: police misconduct; tariff-setting for life prisoners; deaths in custody; immigration detention; parole hearings; and prison discipline. It also has a news page and a set of links to civil liberties websites.


Aegis campaigns against genocide and crimes against humanity. It is a registered charity in the UK and US and a registered NGO in Rwanda. The Aegis website describes its work and makes available its reports, briefings and other publications, in pdf format. It also has a News page.

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