european union

European Commission: Data Protection

This part of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice website deals with data protection in the European Union. There is a guide to download outlining EU citizens’ rights regarding data protection and information relating to Directive 95/46/EC (the data protection Directive). The site also has EU legislation and case law, links to national legislation and to data protection regulatory bodies in EU and EFTA member states.

A brief guide to the European Union and its legislative processes

Full text guide to the European Union written by the UK Financial Services Authority in June 2011 and made freely available on their website. The guide gives an introduction to the EU and its institutions, to European legislation and case law and to financial regulation in Europe. A glossary of terms and acronyms is also provided. The document can be viewed in PDF.


The ECHR blog is written by Antoine Buyse who is associate professor and senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Utrecht University. As well as posts providing news and updates on the European Convention on Human Rights the blog provides links to human rights journals, research and other human rights blogs.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was established by the EuropeanUnion in Bilbao in 1996. Its website provides information about EU legislation on health and safety at work, with links to the full text of directives and related documents. Other information available on the site inclues case studies, statistics and good practice guidance. The site is available in various European languages.

European Parliament

The European Parliament’s website offers a large amount of information the institution, its political groups and members. The home page has links livestreamed parliamentary proceedings and news. It also links to the Legislative Observatory and Legislative Train, both of which track the progress of legislation, and to the EP's Think Tank, which provides policy analysis. The Plenary section covers parliamentary proceedings and there is a Committees section focusing on the activities of parliamentary committees. The site can be viewed in any of the official languages of the EU.

European Commission: Competition

Website of the European Commission’s Competition Directorate-General, covering six policy areas: antitrust, cartels, mergers, state aid, liberalisation and international matters. The site includes a substantial database of Commission competition decisions, together with lists of national court cases concerning EU competition law. It also provides EU competition legislation, reports, studies, press releases, notices from the Official Journal and additional information.


Dec.Nat is a database of information about national courts' decisions relating to European Union law. Provided by the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, it covers more than 20,000 decisions, from 1959 to the present. Each record gives details of the court, parties, case references, subject and legislation considered, together with law report citations. The full text of the decision is not included. Dec.Nat. is available in English and French.

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