european union

European Systemic Risk Board

The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) was set up by the European Commission in 2010 in response to the financial crisis. It has a mandate to “oversee risk in the financial system as a whole”. Together with the ESA and the EIOPA it forms part of the ESFS (European System of Financial Supervision). The main text of the site, the Annual Report and Board Recommendations are available in a wide range of European languages. Attached explanatory documents are in PDF format and are available in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish.

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) forms part of the European System of Financial Supervision, together with two other supervisory authorities and the European Systemic Risk Board. Core responsibilities of this body include support of the stability of the financial system and protection of insurance policy holders and members/beneficiaries of pension schemes. Sections of its website cover background information, press releases and publications relating to the policies and work of the organisation. Full-text documents are provided, mainly in PDF format.

European Banking Authority

The EBA was established by regulation (EC) No. 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and officially took over responsibilities from the Committee of European Banking Supervisors on January 1st 2011. It is based in London. The site provides egislation and legal documents concerning the founding of the EBA and its role. There is also a wide selection of documents relating to aspects of financial supervision and the work of the Authority. These are mainly in English but the Annual Report is available in other EU languages.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides expert advice to EU institutions on questions relating to fundamental rights. Its website includes reports, factsheets and studies; a database of ECJ judgments relating to fundamental rights; and opinions submitted to EU institutions by the FRA. It also makes available a ‘Charterpedia’, a compilation of international, EU and national constitutional law and EU case law relating to fundamental rights.

Taxation and Customs Union

The website of the European Commission’s Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General provides information on the Commission’s work on taxation and the customs union, with the ‘What’s new?’ section detailing recent developments. Links are provided to taxation and customs legislation adopted since 2003 as well as proposals tabled by the Commission, all of which are downloadable in PDF format. Catalogues of case law on direct and indirect taxation are also available in PDF, although some of these are only available in French.

Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ)

The DGPJ is a state central body of direct administration. It gives technical support related to the production of legislation and monitors policies and strategic planning and international affairs. Sections of the site give background information on these roles. Full text access is given to the Justice Statistical database and to the Justice Laws project (Leis da Justiça). This legislation project is divided into chapters relating to different areas of law relevant to the work of the DGPJ. Each chapter has an introduction and links to the full text legislation..

Eugene F. Collins

This Irish law firm website provides commentary on Irish legal developments, in its Publications section. The areas of law covered include company law, banking, employment, European Union, competition, immigration, intellectual property, information technology, litigation, dispute resolution, media and property.

Federation of European Employers

The Federation of European Employers is a non-profit organisation representing the interests of large multi-national employers who wish to keep within the letter and spirit of EU law on employment rights. The site has a large amount of information on topics such as pay and working conditions across Europe, EU directives, national labour laws, cultural differences, working in the EU and EU statistics.

European Commission Directorate General for Education Youth, Sport and Culture

Website of the European Commission Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. The main sections of the site are Education and Training (with links to EU programmes, such as Erasmus), Lifelong Learning, Culture, Youth, Multilingualism and Sport. The site provides access to an extensive selection of online publications including information on the various policy areas and programs of the DG. The site is available in all the EU official languages, although some documents are only in a select few.

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