
Inquiry Into the Management of Care of Children Receiving Complex Heart Surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Final Report

This is a final report issued by a panel chaired by Professor Ian Kennedy in May 2000 by Bristol Royal Infirmary. It follows the public outcry after the discovery that over a long period of time tissue from children who had died following paediatric cardiac surgery at Bristol had been stored without their parents' knowledge or consent. The inquiry addresses this issue, considers the state of the law, and makes recommendations. The report was issued as Command Paper: CM 5207. The webpages are archived at the National Archives

New York State Bar Association

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) represents lawyers in New York State and publishes a variety of documents and information on this site for its members and for the public. The site has organisational information including details of committees and sections such as environmental law, business law and criminal law. Services for the public include lawyer referral, information on legal aid (pro bono), and steps to take if you have a grievance with your attorney and a selection of free pamphlets to download providing brief overviews of aspects of New York State law.

Task Force on Life and the Law

Web pages of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, on the website of the State's Department of Health. The Task Force was formed in 1985, and convenes to consider important public policy issues to do with advances in medicine. A fact sheet on the website outlines the Task Force's mandate, and how its recommendations have had an impact on US legislation and court decisions.

Japan Federation of Bar Associations

Website of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA), whose objectives include the protection of human rights in Japan, the registration of attorneys and the governance of matters relating to the guidance and supervision of Japanese attorneys and local bar associations. Background information on the JFBA is given including its objectives, categories of membership, membership rates, committees and an outline of the Japanese legal system and role of the attorney. The JFBA rules and regulations include full-text (HTML) of the code of ethics and the articles of association.

Council on Governmental Ethics Laws

The Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) is a US based organisation which was established in 1974 to promote good practise and high standards in government. Its website provides information on the history, purpose and current events of the organisation. The latter includes details of projects relating to governmental ethics, political lobbying, conduct of elections and campaign finance. The site also contains a members only area which provides access to more detailed documentation and discussion forums.

Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest

An online interdisciplinary journal conceived and managed by students at the University of Richmond's T.C. Williams School of Law. The journal is published approximately twice a year and contains feature articles and case commentaries. The journal seeks to reach beyond the academic legal community, to examine the law as it takes shape in society and stimulate interactive debate. Online issues are available from Fall 1996 onwards in full text.

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law is a multidisciplinary print publication produced quarterly by Duke University, USA. Articles contain original scholarship on matters embracing political science, economics, history, sociology, health services, research, philosophy and ethics. The journal also includes book reviews, comments, news and notes. The website offers contents listings and article abstracts from volume 20, 1995, onwards. In addition the site features 20 year cumulative author and subject indexes covering 1976-1995.

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