czech republic

Rada Pro Reklamu (RPR)

The website of the Czech Advertising Standards Council (RPR) is an online resource providing information about the Council's function, procedures and codes which aim to self regulate Czech advertising in the media. There is organisational information and a listing of members and contact names of committee members. The "Codes of Advertising Practice" which govern RPR's member organisations are given in full-text along with some legislation. The site can be viewed in Czech only.

Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

This is the official Website of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. This is "the highest judicial authority both in civil and criminal law with the exception of the matters concerning the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic." The whole site is available in Czech, with information about the Court (its history, structure, judges and more) in English and French.

Introduction to the Czech legal system and legal resources online

Guide to the legal system of the Czech Republic written by lawyer Michal Bobek. The guide was published on New York University's Globalex website in 2006 (and updated in 2024 by Olga Pouperova) it provides an introduction to the Czech political and legal system covering the executive, legislative and judicial powers. An outline of the legal system covering the courts, sources of law and the types of legislation is given and there are links to government institutions and departments and other websites, in Czech and English.


N-Lex provides a single search interface that can be used to search any of the national legislation websites of the EU member states. The search page is available in all 24 EU official languages. When searching by key words, either machine translation or the multilingual Eurovoc thesaurus can be used to translate them. For each state there is also general information about the types of legislation produced and the website to which the N-Lex search interface applies.

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