
NCSC International

Website of the international arm of the independent American organisation, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). NCSC International provides technical support and training to courts in other areas of the world, seeking to improve the quality and administration of justice and strengthen the rule of law. The site gives an overview of NCSC International's programmes in different parts of the world and provides reports and videos about a small number of them.

District Court of the Virgin Islands

Official website of the US District Court of the Virgin Islands. Provides a schedule of hearings, court rules and court forms, together with information about judges, juries, bankruptcy proceedings and alternative dispute resolution. Also has details of the Virgin Islands Bar and guidance for people representing themselves in court (pro se litigants). There is a link to the court's case management and document filing system, for registered users only.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan legal system and research

Online guide to the law and legal resources of Afghanistan, by Omar Sial, Md. Ershadul Karim, Qasim Hashimzai and Ahmadullah Masoud. Published on New York University's Globalex website and last updated in 2018, it outlines the legal system of Afghanistan and gives an overview of the executive and legislative branches of government. There is background information on the composition of the National Assembly and the legislative process. Information is also provided on the Constitution with links to online versions.

Sudan Judiciary

Official website of the judiciary of the Republic of Sudan. The site explains the role of the Chief Justice and the Supreme Council of the Judiciary. There is an outline of the courts system including the Supreme Court, the courts of appeal, the public court and the district courts. There is also information on the administration of the courts in Sudan. The site is in Arabic.

Supreme Court of Nepal

Official website of the Supreme Court of Nepal. Includes a judgments database, cause lists and a collection of legislation including the Constitution of Nepal, court rules and the civil, civil procedure, criminal and criminal procedure codes, all in Nepali. There is also a Publications section, also in Nepali, containing the Nepal Law Reporter, Supreme Court Bulletin, Supreme Court User Charter, court rules and directives, and the Judges' Code of Conduct.

Kenya Law

Website of Kenya Law, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting. A free searchable database of cases is provided, going back to the 1970s; many cases are available in full, but for some only brief details are given. The Laws of Kenya are provided on the same website, together with other legal material, including the Kenya Gazette back to 2003, bills, cause lists from various courts, a treaty database, and a collection of articles and commentaries. The site also has information about the history of law reporting in Kenya.

Supreme Court of Pakistan

Official website of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, with background information about the court and the judiciary, cause lists and a judgments database. Other materials available on the site include the Supreme Court Rules, an overview of the judicial system of Pakistan, and the Supreme Court Research Centre's Quarterly Case Update.

Center for Legal and Court Technology

Website of the Center for Legal and Court Technology (CLCT), a joint project of William & Mary Law School in Virginia and the National Center for State Courts. The site gives details of the CLCT research, conferences and training courses on courtroom technology. It also includes a podcast, 'Exhibit AI', a collection of papers on technological topics, and a monthly cybersecurity newsletter.

High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia

Official website of the Croatian High Commercial Court (HCCRC), which hears appeals against decisions made by the commercial courts. Provides background information about the work of the HCCRC and gives contact details for the commercial courts. Includes a selection of legislation and codes of ethics. There is also a link to a judgments database. A partial English interface is available, but most of the site is in Croatian only.

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