
Justia Dockets and Filings

This free resource is provided by Justia, a US legal media and technology company. It is a searchable database of documents relating to cases filed in the United States federal district courts and federal courts of appeal, from 2004 onwards. Cases can be searched by party name, court, date or lawsuit type. They can also be browsed by state, type and as a continuous listing arranged by date. Further information about the cases can be accessed using a link to PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records), for payment is required.

US Supreme Court Center

Free database of US Supreme Court decisions from the 1790s onwards, provided by Justia, a US legal media and technology company. Cases can be searched by keyword or browsed by volume / year.  The site also includes a brief history of the US Supreme Court, a list of current Supreme Court justices and details of previous justices from 1793 onwards.  

Common portal of national case law

Portal to the case law databases of the national supreme courts of the European Union, provided by the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union. The various public databases can be searched simultaneously in any of the EU languages. Additional features, including translation of judgments into other languages, are available to members of the Network.

Cour de Justice Benelux

The Benelux Court of Justice came into being in 1974, with the role of ensuring consistent application of laws common to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg and hearing disputes relating to the civil service of the Benelux economic union. The Court's website provides a register of past and forthcoming cases and the text of all judgments and decisions. The Court's founding treaty, rules of procedure and other constitutional documents are also available, under 'Documents de base'. Background information about the Court is given, plus a list of its officers.

Judicial Branch of the State of New Hampshire

Official website of the New Hampshire judiciary in the United States. Has information about the courts of New Hampshire, including the Supreme Court, the Superior Court, the District Courts, the Probate Court, the Family Division and the Office of Mediation and Arbitration. Each section provides background information outlining the functions and jurisdiction of each court, details of justices, opinions (if available), court rules and forms to download. There is a section for lawyers, covering admission to the New Hampshire Bar and other professional matters.

Official website of the Norwegian courts, giving an overview of the Norwegian legal system and information about the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal and District Courts. Also has guidance about being a witness, representing yourself in court, judicial mediation, criminal court proceedings and other matters.

Law in Zimbabwe

Guide to the law of Zimbabwe by Jimcall Pfumorodze and and Emma Chitsove, academics from the University of Botswana. Published on New York University's Globalex website and periodically updated, it gives historical and background information to the law in Zimbabwe and details of the sources of Zimbabwean law, including legislation, case law, customary law and common law.

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