
Judiciary of the Dominican Republic

The Judiciary website provides information on the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) the highest court in the Dominican Republic and the Council of the Judiciary which is the body responsible for judicial administration and discipline. There are profiles of the judges for both bodies along with judgements of the SCJ and decisions of the Council. The Dominican Constitution and legislation governing the judiciary are also available. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was established in 2002 to deal with issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the state – eg. terrorism, war crimes, human trafficking and organised crime. The site has profiles of the judges, laws, cases and other documents relating to the Court. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

Corte Suprema di Cassazione

Website of the Italian Court of Cassation, providing information about the court and its administration. The ‘Servizio Online’ page gives links to Italian legislation, cases and other legal resources, including SentenzeWeb, a database of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Cassation in the last five years.  

Supreme Court of Bolivia

Website of the Supreme Court of Bolivia (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia). The site outlines the role of the court and gives details of the judges. There are links to departmental courts and to court publications including summaries of recent cases. Full text laws relevant to the Supreme Court are also given on the site. The website can be viewed in Spanish only.

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