
Judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Official website of the Judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. A database of judgments, in English, is available on the Judgments and Legal Reference page. It covers the periods 1946-1948 and 1966 onwards (Court of Final Appeal, Court of Appeal of the High Court, Court of First Instance of the High Court, District Court, Family Court and Lands Tribunal). The website also provides a collection of Reasons for Sentence and Reasons for Verdict, plus court lists, forms, various reports and other information.

HKU Scholars Hub: Theses

Online collection of theses and dissertations from Hong Kong University on all topics, including law. The collection can be browsed or searched by keyword, date, faculty or degree. For each thesis or dissertation, bibliographic details are given and there is a 'pdf download' link which requires you to submit your name and email address to request the full document. Most items in the collection focus on aspects of Chinese or Hong Kong law, and the majority are available in English.

Asian Law Institute

Website of the Asian Law Institute (ASLI) which was set up in March 2003 to "facilitate academic exchanges as well as research and teaching collaboration among law schools in Asia". ASLI is based at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore. The site gives details of the Board of Governors and Fellows of the Institute along with details of conferences and abstracts of seminars held at ASLI.

Macao Legislation

A selection of Macao legislation provided on the internet by the Government Printing Bureau. Macao is a special administrative region of China and a former Portuguese colony. The laws are provided in full, in Chinese and Portuguese. The Basic Law of Macao, codes, legislation and regulations are included along with treaties and inter regional agreements with China and Hong Kong.

Finding Chinese law on the internet

Guide to researching Chinese law online by Joan Lijun Liu of Fudan University Library. The guide was published on New York University's Globalex website in 2005 and last updated in 2021. It provides background information on the Chinese legal system and sources of law. There is guidance on obtaining Chinese legal information and resources online, in Chinese and English. Resources reviewed and linked to in the guide include full-text databases, official government resources, e-journals and legal research tools. 

Lehman, Lee and Xu

Website of Lehman, Lee and Xu a Chinese law firm established in 1992 with offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. The site has links to Chinese laws and regulations available in English. The laws are arranged by subject and cover areas such as banking, construction, criminal law, finance and trade. The site also has guides to the law in China in the form of FAQ's, a glossary of Chinese legal terms and a page of web links.

China Today: Law and Justice

China Today is an online gateway to sources of information about China maintained by InfoPacific Development Inc. (IPD) Canada who are based in Beijing and Shanghai. The Law and Justice page of China Today provides links to a selection of Chinese laws and regulations translated into English, legal news stories and blogs focusing on Chinese law. There are links to sources of intellectual property information, to law and justice in Hong Kong and to other websites giving access to Chinese law.

Hong Kong Gazette

Free online version of the official gazette of Hong Kong, in English and Chinese. The Hong Kong Gazette publishes ordinances, regulations, bills, tenders and official notices. Both the main Gazette and its supplements are provided on the website. Issues may be browsed by date, or searched by key word. The Gazette is produced by the Printing Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.

Arbitration Chambers

The Arbitration Chambers is a Singapore-based mediation and arbitration company. Its website provides model arbitration clauses and arbitration laws for China, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (translated into English). It also provides links to other Asian and international arbitration organisations.

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