
Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong

Official site of the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The Commission reviews aspects of the laws of Hong Kong referred to it by the Secretary of Justice or the Chief Justice. Members of the Commission, appointed by the Chief Executive, are listed on the site. The website carries online texts of published reports, consultation papers, implemented recommendations and matters under current consideration including double jeopardy, class actions and enduring powers of attorney.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the government agency responsible for granting rights in patents, trademarks and designs in Australia. Its website explains the agency's work and gives guidance on Australian intellectual property rights and regulation. It provides searchable databases giving details of existing IP rights; journals relating to trademarks, patents and designs; official notices; manuals; Australian Federal intellectual property legislation; official forms; and trade mark decisions.

Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong

Website of the Intellectual Property Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The site has information arranged under the following headings: trademarks; patents; design and copyright including laws, circulars, practical information for users and FAQs. There is also organisational information about the Department as a whole and notices from the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal relating to trademarks, patents and designs. There is background information on intellectual property and how to apply for registration in Hong Kong.

World Law: Hong Kong

Section of WorldLII (the World Legal Information Institute) covering websites relating to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. The links are arranged under categories such as Courts, Government, Law Reform, Legislation and Treaties and International Agreements, supported by an introduction to law for Hong Kong. Additional subject areas include Anti-Corruption, Human Rights, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property and Social Welfare.

World Law: Taiwan

Part of WorldLII's Countries service containing links to internet resources for Taiwan. A full range of browse and search features is provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering Taiwan's Courts, Government, Law Reform, Legislation and Parliament supported by sites concerning subject areas such as Competition Law, Elections and Intellectual Property. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to the Taiwan on all of WorldLII.

Human Rights in China

Website of the human rights advocacy organisation, Human Rights in China (HRIC), an international non-governmental organisation. Founded by Chinese scholars and scientists in 1989 and based in New York, HRIC works to promote a better knowledge and advocacy of human rights within the People's Republic of China. The site has information on HRIC's work covering legal reform, technology and human rights and ethical globalisation including articles, resources and news briefings.

World Law: China

Part of WorldLII's Countries service containing links to internet resources for the People's Republic of China. A full range of browse and search features are provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering China's Courts, Education, Lawyers, Legislation and Parliament supported by sites offering an introduction to Chinese Law.

Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law

This website gives an introduction to the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Sozialrecht, its staff, Library, teaching and research, in both English and German. Details of the Institute's publications are provided, including contents lists for its journal, "Zeitsschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Arbeits-und Sozialrecht" (ZIAS), from volume 16 issue 3 (2002) onwards.

Law Society of Hong Kong

Official website for the Law Society of Hong Kong, the professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong. The site has organisationsal information, committee details and annual reports of the Society and provides information on admission criteria and registration procedures.

Hong Kong e-Legislation

Database of Hong Kong ordinances, subsidiary legislation and constitutional instruments in Chinese and English, maintained by the Hong Kong Department of Justice. Has current and historical consolidated legislation from 30 June 1997 onwards, together with original legislation - as published in the Gazette - from 2000 onwards. Official verified pdf versions are gradually being uploaded and will eventually supersede the looseleaf Laws of Hong Kong.

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