United Kingdom

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) regulates and manages healthcare services within Scotland. Its website details the role of the service and provides information regarding research conducted by HIS into the biggest health problems in Scotland. Further information on improvement and regulation is included and there is a documents section with annual reports, corporate documents and policies.

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is the public body responsible for the environment in England. Its website includes detailed information on subjects such as flood defence, environmental permits, waste and waste disposal. There are comprehensive maps of environmental data covering England and Wales (this includes topics such as issued flood warnings and air pollution).
Also provided are documents and policy information and a searchable public register of holders of environmental permits.

Charity Commission for England and Wales

The website for the Charity Commission of England and Wales contains full information on how to set up and run a charity, including legal and financial guidance. It has a searchable database of all registered charities, and displays financial records and overviews of each charity. The site also contains details of enquiries and cases brought against registered charities, as well as reports, consultation documents and other publications.

Costs Lawyer Standards Board

The Costs Lawyer Standards Board (CLSB) regulates cost lawyers within England and Wales. Its website details the role of a costs lawyer and provides documents including rules and regulations for costs lawyers, the costs lawyers' Code of Conduct, newsletters, guidance and policy documents. The site also has a searchable register of authorised costs lawyers.

Association of Regulatory & Disciplinary Lawyers

The Association of Regulatory & Disciplinary Lawyers was set up in 2002, and primarily exists for networking & sharing advice with other UK lawyers regarding regulatory and disciplinary law. Its website includes names and contact details for the committee, information on membership, and PDFs of back issues of the Association’s quarterly bulletin. Information about events, and news is also included, as well as links to other useful websites and organisations.

Brexit: UK and European Law

This page forms part of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Brexit blog. Posts in this section focus on the legal aspects of Brexit and cover topics such as Article 50, the European Court of Human Rights and the impact of Brexit on EU citizens living in the UK. Other themes of the blog include the impact of Brexit on economics, European politics and institutions, exit negotiations and the Great Repeal Bill.

Brexit Hub

The Brexit Hub forms part of The Lawyer magazine’s website which is aimed at legal practitioners and published by Centaur Holdings. The Brexit Hub brings together all content from the magazine relating to Brexit, including news, opinion and analysis articles. Some of the content is accessible to subscribers only. There is also a selection of briefings which focus on particular topics such as the implications of Brexit for transatlantic trade, data protection, UK franchise businesses and immigration. Free registration is required to access the briefings.

Law and Your Environment

The Law and Your Environment web page is a plain guide to environmental law compiled by the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) and made freely available on their website. The guide provides information on the law dealing with a range of environmental areas including air pollution, climate change, marine environment, fracking, noise, planning and wildlife issues. Each section breaks down to include case studies, contacts, FAQs and links to relevant legislation and other resources.

UK Environmental Law Association: Brexit

This section of the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) website focuses on issues surrounding Brexit and the future of UK environmental regulation. There is guidance on the impact of European Union membership on environmental law in the UK and a selection of UKELA policy papers on the implications of Brexit for different areas of environmental law. There are also links to articles by environmental law experts dealing with topics such as climate policy, nature conservation in the UK and environmental law in Scotland.

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