New Zealand

New Zealand's Lost Cases

New Zealand's Lost Cases is a project located at the Victoria University of Wellington, which involves the identification and collation of early New Zealand cases from newspapers, manuscript collections, archives and judges notebooks.  The site currently holds details of all Supreme Court and Court of Appeal cases for the period 1842-1869, along with information on the sources used. The Cases database can be searched by keyword or using an advanced search option; most entries include transcripts of the original source. 

New Zealand Treaties Online

Official database of New Zealand treaties, with status information, citations and other details. Basic and advanced search facilities are available and the text of most of the treaties is available in pdf format. The database is produced by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Judicial Decisions Online

Searchable database of decisions from the higher courts of New Zealand, provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Justice. Includes all Supreme Court of New Zealand judgments (from 2004, when the first case was heard, onwards), Court of Appeal judgments from 2003 onwards and High Court judgments from 2005 onwards, all in pdf format

Legal Research Guide: Maori Customary Law

Research guide on Maori customary law by Kelly Buchanan of the Library of Congress in the United States. Gives a historical introduction to the subject and explains the current situation. Provides an annotated bibliography of sources for researching Maori customary law, including land law, natural resources law, family law and criminal justice. Gives numerous links to the journal articles, reports and papers listed.

Australasian Colonial Legal History Library

This freely available online service includes databases of Australasian legal history accessible via AustLII. In addition to pre-1900 primary legislation and case materials from New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia, the Library features articles from law journals and legal scholarship concerning the Colonial Period. The Library is being developed by AustLII in collaboration with NZLII as part of an ARC funded infrastructure (LIEF) grant entitled "The Australasian Legal History Library".

This website, run by volunteers, tracks the work of the New Zealand Parliament. It aims to make it easy for the general public to find out what is happening in Parliament. The site provides parliamentary debates; information about parliamentary questions and the progress of bills; information about MPs and political parties; and other resources.

New Zealand Parliament

The New Zealand Parliament website provides information and documentation relating to the work of Parliament. It makes available parliamentary rules and information about the legislative process, political parties, MPs and select committees. Debates (Hansard), details of bills, supplementary order papers, acts and regulations are also found on the site. The 'Publications and Research' section provides fact sheets, procedural guides and research papers.


LawLink is a co-operative group of independent New Zealand law firms, established in 1986. Its website provides articles and guides focusing on many different legal topics, and a newsletter highlighting recent developments. The articles can be browsed by subject area back to 2006

World Law: New Zealand

New Zealand section of WorldLII's Countries service. A full range of browse and search features is available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Courts and Trubunals, Education, Government, Law Libraries, Law Reform, Lawyers and Legal Services, Legislation, Other Indexes, Parliament, and Publishers. Additional subject areas include Consumer Protection, Environmental Law, Indigenous Law, Industrial Relations and Labour Law, Infrastructure, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property, Media and Telecommunications, Ombudsmen, Privacy, Refugees and Asylum.

New Zealand Law Commission

Website for the New Zealand Law Commission, an independent law reform agency established by statute in 1985 to undertake the systematic review, reform and development of New Zealand law. The site provides details of projects the Commission is undertaking including the terms of reference, current status and any related publications. Areas of law currently being looked at include search and surveillance powers, review of privacy and criminal defences (insanity and infanticide). Full-text copies of the Commission's publications back to 1997 can be viewed in HTML or PDF.

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