
Cambridge Law Eminent Scholars Archive

This archive, maintained by the Squire Law Library, documents the careers of eminent scholars associated with the University of Cambridge’s Faculty of Law. Records consist of an interview with the respective scholar, available as a video and as audio only, with a transcript. The interview is accompanied by additional material, such as a bibliography of the scholar’s work, photographs and biographical information. The interviews are in chronological order (commencing in 2005), with a name index.

How parliament treats treaties

Created by Arabella Lang of the House of Commons Library at the Parliament of the UK, this research briefing provides information on the parliamentary scrutiny and ratification of treaties. An overview is available either in HTML format and the full 50-page document is in PDF format. It goes into detail over how treaties arrive in Parliament and what the powers and limitations of Parliament are.

Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs)

This research guide for locating bilateral labor agreements (BLAs) is maintained by the University of Chicago Library. On the Research Strategies page it gives examples of how to find specific BLAs as well as general tips on how to go about locating them. The guide also provides a number of links to key indexes and full-text treaty sources, separated into the categories of: U.S. Treaty Sources, International Treaty Sources, National Treaty Sources, and Labor/Migration Treaty Sources.

Bilateral Labor Agreements Dataset

This dataset, created by a team at the University of Chicago, documents bilateral employment treaties signed between 1945 and 2015 (version 1) and 1945 and 2020 (version 2). The website consists of a graphic showing the number of Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs), followed by a short paragraph describing the background of the project, and then information on the dataset, which is freely available to download at the base of the webpage.

Treaty data search

Database of treaties involving Japan, provided by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Can be searched by title and subject. There are options to limit the search to bilaterals or multilaterals; if bilaterals are selected, users can choose the region, followed by the country. The title and date in force are given, together with the text of the treaty. The interface and most of the content are in Japanese only, but some of the treaties are in English or other languages as well. 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia: bilateral relations

This section of the Croatian foreign ministry’s website provides a list of the dates that Croatia established diplomatic relations with each foreign state and the dates of diplomatic recognition, together with details of Croatia’s bilateral treaties. The treaty information includes titles, dates of conclusion and entry into force, Official Gazette references and other details, but the text of the instruments is not available. For Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, Hungary and Slovenia, some multilateral treaties are covered as well as bilaterals.


Aimed at researchers and policy makers, this database is a free public resource continually being updated by the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore. The database comprises over 900 ASEAN documents (treaties and soft law documents) and 300 other international law documents, with details of Southeast Asian implementation of key instruments. It can be searched by title, date, key word and treaty status. Each database entry provides documents in both pdf and word formats, as well as an external link, and recommended related instruments.

League of Nations

A collection of official League of Nations publications digitised by the National Library of Scotland. The print collection held at the National Library of Scotland consists of 'The Official Journal' and special supplements, monthly summaries, statistical yearbooks and Treaty Series, as well as publications from the principal organs, committees, commissions and conferences; a selection of these has been digitised.

International Treaty Search

Database of treaties entered into by Indonesia from 1947 to the present day, maintained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. International Treaty Search allows users to browse the treaties using various filters, such as country, subject, status, and time period, as well as through a general word search. Each record gives a brief description of the treaty, the date and place of signature, the status, the termination method, a PDF of the treaty attached, and any relevant references.

Global Terrorism Database

The Global Terrorism Database is hosted by the University of Maryland and provides information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 to 2020. The database can be searched or browsed by date, country, perpetrator and by type of weapon or target. Results are shown on a graph and entries include details of who carried out the attack, method used, a summary of the incident and sources of information.

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