
Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web

Online guide to legal resources focusing on international refugee law. The guide was compiled by Elisa Mason, an information specialist undertaking research into refugee and forced migration studies, and published in 2017 on the forced migration current awareness site. The author outlines the role of international refugee bodies such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and highlights key international instruments relating to refugee law as well as national legislation and case law.

Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web

Online guide to resources focused on people who have had to flee their homes to avoid violence, disasters or human rights violations but remain within their country’s borders. The guide was written in 2017 by Elisa Mason who is an information specialist undertaking research into refugee and forced migration studies. The author highlights primary and secondary legal materials covering international, regional and national law with an emphasis on freely available resources.

Forced Migration Current Awareness

Blog providing current awareness and legal information concerning refugees and forced migration issues. The blog is compiled by Elisa Mason who is an information specialist undertaking research into refugee and forced migration studies. The blog was started in 2005 and posts can be searched or browsed by keyword. There are research guides to legal resources concerning internally displaced persons, statelessness and international refugee law along with details of recently published articles and a list of links to other forced migration resources

Rights in Exile Programme

This website brings together resources to assist lawyers who are representing refugees. The Rights in Exile Programme is run by lawyers and experts in human rights and immigration issues. The site provides access to a range of resources including the UNHCR Protection Manual, contact details of pro bono organisations arranged by country, country of origin information experts and online sources of international case law. There are also resources aimed at refugees including self-help kits to assist with writing Refugee Status Determination Interview statements.

International Commercial Contracts

Online guide to the major primary sources for international commercial contracts, written by Cyril Emery, who is Legal Officer and Librarian for the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The guide was published in 2016 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction to and definition of international commercial contracts.

Contemporary land grabbing, research, and bibliography

Online guide to the acquisition of large areas of land by foreign investors in developing countries, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. The guide was written by Jootaek Lee who is Senior Law Librarian (Research Librarian for Foreign, Comparative & International Law), Lecturer, and Affiliated Faculty for the Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy (PHRGE) at the Northeastern University School of Law.

World Refugee Day resources

Details of book chapters, journal articles and free web resources on the subject of refugee law. Sections cover issues such as ‘who is a refugee? ‘and ‘what rights do refugees have?’  Designed for people working with refugees and anyone interested in the framework of rights and obligations concerning refugees, the collection was offered free of charge from 2018 to 2019 by publisher OUP, but free full-text access is no longer available. 

Human rights awareness month case map

Online article and map of 50 landmark human rights cases compiled by John Louth, who is Editor-in-Chief of Academic Law Books, Journals, and Online at Oxford University Press. The map is made freely available on the OUP website. Each case has a brief description and a link to a related article or report on the case. The aim is to include cases showing the “variety of international, regional, and national mechanisms and fora for adjudicating human rights claims, and the range of rights that have been recognized.”

Cyberwarfare and collateral damages

Online article explaining cyberwarfare, collateral damage and the role of victims, written by Edoardo E. Artese and Valentin Vitkov, who are Italian lawyers specialising in IT law. The article was published in 2015 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors provide a definition of cyberwarfare, comparisons with other types of warfare and how it is dealt with under international law. There is a section on collateral damages and victims and examples are given of recent cyberattacks.

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