
Legislation of Alberta

Full text legislation of the state of Alberta in Canada made freely available on the website of the Alberta King's Printer. Legislation can be browsed alphabetically, by department or searched by keyword or ISBN. A complete list of acts and/or regulations can also be viewed. Codes administered by the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada and the Canadian Standards Association are also provided on the site.

Canadian Journal of Family Law

Website for the academic journal, Canadian Journal of Family Law, edited by Faculty of Law staff at the University of British Columbia. The journal is dedicated to family law and legal issues associated with domestic relations, and published twice a year. Articles focus on both Canadian federal and provincial law drawing on relevant caselaw. The site presents contents and abstracts of articles from Volume 1 no.1 (January 1978) onwards to date.

Appeal : Review of Current Law and Law Reform

Appeal is a student law review from the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, British Columbia, Canada, published annually from 1995 onwards. The review publishes articles from students across Canada, providing a perspective on current legal issues from future Canadian lawyers and legislators. The site includes subscription details and a style guide for authors. Full text is now available through Westlaw and LexisNexis.

Department of Justice Canada

The Department of Justice Canada is a government department with the mission of ensuring an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice and providing legal services to the government, its departments and agencies. This site gives information about the department's structure and provides links to the full-texts of Canada's consolidated statutes and regulations as well as departmental publications, and a list of helpful links to related websites. The site is available in English and French.

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice

The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to improve the quality of justice in Canada. The CIAJ is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal and its activities include organising conferences and seminars, conducting research and producing publications. The site provides background information about the CIAJ including a brief history and details of the Board of Directors, members and staff.

Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada

Website of the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs (OCFJA) the Canadian body whose role is to provide administrative support to the federal judiciary and safeguard its independence. The Commissioner is also responsible for the administration of federal judicial appointments and the site includes information and guidance on the appointments process. There is background information on the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal along with law reports which are made available in either full-text or digest form.

Canadian Marketing Association

The website of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) is an online information resource that aims to provide information to the Canadian marketing industry on legislative matters in general and self-regulatory policies in particular. The site has a section linking to guidance in the areas of privacy, telemarketing, consumer protection and internet marketing. The CMA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice is provided on the site in full-text.

Advertising Standards Canada

The website of Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) is an online information resource aimed at the advertising industry in Canada. Committed to advertising self-regulation by the industry, the ASC seeks to provide information for its members within the context of the ASC's Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. The site gives an overview of the organisation's mission and activities in this area. There is a section devoted to advertising standards, including procedures for submitting complaints for consumers and special interest groups.

Federation of Law Societies of Canada

The Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC) is the umbrella organisation of the fourteen Canadian law societies. The website explains the work of the FLSC covering its history and purpose and including a list of past presidents back to 1927. There is background information about the practice of law in Canada (including guidance for foreign lawyers) and the regulatory functions of the law societies. The law societies' acts and regulations and annual statistics giving figures on membership, fees and discipline cases are given.

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