
Nova Scotia Statutes

The legislation section of the official website of the Government of Nova Scotia provides access to Nova Scotia statutes consolidated to June 2008. The statutes can be browsed by title and viewed in full text HTML. Statutes can be searched using a keyword search facility. A link is given to all statutes in force and not in force from the 1995-96 session onwards.

Access to Justice and law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia

The Access to Justice and law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia was formed in 1991 by the Government of Nova Scotia to act as an independent advisor and review the laws of Nova Scotia. The Commission makes recommendations to improve, update and reform the law involving the general public in the consultation procedures. A full list of publications is available, together with full-text online versions of the discussion papers and final reports produced for each project the Commission works on. Details of the latest reports and project developments are given in the News section.

Ontario e-Laws

This section of the Government of Ontario website provides access to Ontario's statutes and regulations in full text. Current consolidated law and source law from 2000 onwards can be searched or browsed on the site. There are sections providing access to Period in Time law, repealed statutes and revoked or spent regulations. A page of related web links, a glossary of terms and a selection of FAQs are also provided. The content can be viewed in English or French.

British Columbia Laws

Legislation section of the official Government of British Columbia website. Laws can be searched or browsed and viewed in full text. Bills for the current session and sessions back to 1996 are also given along with consolidated regulations, proclamations and copies of the Gazette.


Laws of Manitoba

This site provides access to the full text laws of the Province of Manitoba in Canada. These include consolidated acts, municipal acts and private acts. The laws can be browsed by title and searched by keyword. Unconsolidated acts (as enacted by the Legislative Assembly) are also available on the site back to 1988.There are also consolidated and unconsolidated (back to 2000) regulations. All information on the Manitoba Government website is translated into French.

Consolidated Nova Scotia Regulations

Website containing an electronic version of the consolidated regulations of Nova Scotia prepared by the Department of Justice's, Registry of Regulations. Most regulations filed with the Registry are available online and may be searched by Act or by Department responsible for administering them. Regulations can also be searched by keyword and displayed in full text (HTML).

Ontario's eLaws

This site, giving access to the full-text of Ontario's Current Consolidated Statutes online, is provided by the Ministry of Attorney General. Public and private statutes as enacted and regulations as filed are also made available back to 2000. This legislation can be searched or browsed on the site. Repealed statutes and and revoked regulations are also available along with Period in Time law for laws amended or affected by a coming into force event after January 1, 2004.

Federal Court of Canada

Official website for the Federal Court of Canada, providing brief background information on the history, constitution and jurisdiction of the Court along with biographies of the Federal Court judges. Background information is also given to the Canadian courts and justice system. Links to the full-text of the Canada Federal Court Reports since 1993 are provided, as are a site search engine and search and browse options for the decisions. Federal Court rules, forms, practice guides and relevant guides are additionally made available in full text.

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