
African Union

The African Union (AU) seeks to promote unity and solidarity in Africa. Its website provides information about member states and events, together with the organisation's treaties, statements, decisions, declarations, reports and other documents. Several journals and newsletters are also available, largely in French. The site is in English, French and Arabic.

Introduction to the norms and institutions of the African Union

Guide to the African Union written by Girmachew Alemu Aneme, an Assistant Professor of Law at Addis Ababa University and updated in 2023 by Ufuoma Lamikanra who is a Lawyer and retired law librarian. The article was originally published in 2010 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. There is an introduction to the origins of the African Union (AU) which started off as the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).

Lex Africa

Website for Lex Africa, a network of selected leading law firms throughout the countries of Africa. The site is hosted by Werksmans Attorneys in Johannesburg, South Africa. Each firm listed has information in HTML format about its staff, contact details, main areas of practice, and a guide to doing business in that particular country. Links are provided to other African business and trade sites.

Southern African Legal Information Institute

The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) has been developed by the Wits Law School in South Africa and is hosted by the Constitutional Court of South Africa. SAFLII provides free access to South African legal materials including judgements of the Constitutional Court of South Africa back to 1995, judgements of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa and decisions of the Land Claims Court of South Africa from 1996. Full text South African consolidated legislation can also be viewed on the site along with publications of the South African Law Commission.

African Journals OnLine

African Journals OnLine provides access to more than 800 journals published in Africa, including law titles, with many articles available free of charge. It was established as a project by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications. Users can register for email alerts.

Transitional justice in Africa: the experience with truth commissions

Article looking at transitional justice and the African truth commissions, written by Charles Manga Fombad who is Professor of Law at the University of Botswana. The article was published in 2008 and updated in 2022 on New York University's Globalex website. Covers truth commissions in 18 African countries and comments on their work. Links are given to related legal resources including research guides, bibliographies and law libraries.

African Union treaties

Treaty page of the African Union (AU) website, providing treaties sponsored by the AU with lists of participants and dates of adoption, entry into force and ratification. The list of treaties can be filtered by subject. All the treaty texts are available English and French and some are also in Arabic and/or Portuguese; the status lists are in English only. 

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